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Nvidia, blinking white text

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I'm using the Detonator 3 drivers for a Vanta (Windows 2000), and have played with the settings trying to get things working. Everything is just fine, except the white text at the bottom of the screen, and some textures on the vehicles/troops blink!!!!

Any suggestions? System Shock 2, Mechwarrior, and a few other 3D games work just fine w/current settings.

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This seems to be a general problem with Windows 2000 and a majority (if not almost all 3D cards) of current video drivers and CM. I believe Charles is already aware of this and is adjusting the "white" level of the text. It is actually already "off-white" and I guess it needs to be adjusted further. It may come out in a future patch, but nothing more has been said lately.

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