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Squad Leader Game Cover

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Here is a link to the page on ebworld: http://www.ebworld.com/ebx/categories/products/product.asp?pf_id=179308&mscssid=8FN5WFGACT1V8M9PP3DT5SME3UKV2US9

It is a pretty nice box, but Gunship! had a nice box, and CM has no box, so the box art is obviously not indicative of the quality of the contents. This game looks more like The Saving Private Ryan Game, or The Band Of Brothers Game, and now I really don't understand why Hasborg is pimping out the Squad Leader name/license. They're not following the game design (so they lose the grog vote), and not following the box art (so they lose the people that might recognize it by sight), so what sort of brand recognition do they hope to have? They are starting from scratch with the name and rebuilding it into something else, but why bother? They could use anything for that! Dammit Hasbro, get your filthy hands off my baby!

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Los: Design no, affiliation yes. Perhaps you missed the long thread already discussing this issue.

SuperTanker: You mean you can't judge a book by it's cover?

I was merely attempting to point out yet another piece of evidence of how Hasbro IS NOT trying to dupe anyone into thinking this is the board game on computer. Different game, some similar concepts, different merits and undoubtedly different faults. I will judge it based on how it's designed and how it plays, not on how I think they should have made it.

But of course, I will keep playing CM too. Especially when TCPIP is an option.

Actually, given the two titles, I think Combat Mission fits what the computer SL will be better than what it is, and vice versa. Just my personal opinion. And no, I'm not trying to bait anyone by blaspheming the hollowed CM name.

[This message has been edited by FutbolHead (edited 09-30-2000).]

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It just dawned on me what computer SL really reminds me of (okay, I'm slow). Up Front! Did any of you play the card game based on SL by Avalon Hill? I liked it. It was called Up Front! and it was a kind of abstract representation of the board game, using only one or two squads with each squad member and leader individually represented. (Lets see, still on the shelf somewhere....yep, it's still there)

Perhaps Hasbro would have been better off using that name on the box instead. Maybe they wouldn't have ticked off so many "grogs".

[This message has been edited by FutbolHead (edited 09-30-2000).]

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I hope some of you recoqnize the incredible irony (given the previous thread about computer SL) of the fact that even the venerable Avalon Hill tried to CAPITALIZE on their own Squad Leader name by making a TOTALLY DIFFERENT type of game and using the Squad Leader name to do so. In clear letters at the bottom of the box of UP FRONT! it says:

"The Squad Leader Card Game"

[This message has been edited by FutbolHead (edited 09-30-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Hasbro's Squad Leader game is nothing more or nothing less than Soldiers at War 2


Right. My somewhat rambling point is that if they are going to all of this effort, it seems more beneficial to use that effort to build a new brand. By using SL, they anger the existing fanbase, have to tear down those expectations (generating lots of negative buzz) and then rebuild on the ruins. If they started from scratch with a new brand, used a movie license (SPR or BoB, to repeat my examples), or even stuck with the SAW2 label, they would avoid the negatives and end up with the same positives. If they are looking for mass Wal*Mart sales (and they are, from their comments related to the unforgivable cancellation of M1TP3 - whoops, I mean Tank Platoon!), it seems like a recognizable movie license would be the way to go.

None of this means I won't try the demo. I want a good X-com style WWII game, just don't call it Squad Leader.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FutbolHead:

It just dawned on me what computer SL really reminds me of (okay, I'm slow). Up Front! Did any of you play the card game based on SL by Avalon Hill? I liked it. It was called Up Front! and it was a kind of abstract representation of the board game, using only one or two squads with each squad member and leader individually represented. (Lets see, still on the shelf somewhere....yep, it's still there)


Yep, I remember that game. It was kinda fun. Played it a few times w/a friend of mine at his parent's beach house in CA. =)

Kitty =^..^=

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Guest Michael emrys

I've read that the game is going to be about such things as how GIs handle the blow of receiving "Dear John" letters. Sounds to me like they are angling for the Oprah crowd (which is not intended as a slap at Oprah herself; I think within her bailiwick she does good work--I'm just not sure I want her designing my wargames wink.gif).


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