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Scout command and a UI thing

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A "scout" command was planned to be implemented in CM but was dropped I believe. Search didn't help me, so here goes:

Would you mind putting the Scout command back pls.

I think it is ahistorical to break squads down for scouting, and I agree with BTS saying that scout squads are not needed as they have no special equipment. On the other hand, the scout command would give an SOP of finding contact and when fired upon, retreat and or hide immediately. There is no way this can reliably be done currently. Can we have the scout command pls. It is not IMO micromanagement, it is SOPs.

Also, looking at all the unused space on my screen, I thought, why not show the command stack (available commands) for a selected unit at the left or right part of the panel.

You can even show some info from the unit detailed info window that comes up when pressing enter, e.g. kills.

Just a couple of thoughts to improve the timewaster of the century! biggrin.gif


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

[This message has been edited by coralsaw (edited 10-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coralsaw:

A "scout" command was planned to be implemented in CM but was dropped I believe. Search didn't help me, so here goes:

Would you mind putting the Scout command back pls.

I think it is ahistorical to break squads down for scouting, and I agree with BTS saying that scout squads are not needed as they have no special equipment. On the other hand, the scout command would give an SOP of finding contact and when fired upon, retreat and or hide immediately. There is no way this can reliably be done currently. Can we have the scout command pls. It is not IMO micromanagement, it is SOPs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would like to see this, too. I would further suggest that while "scouting" a squad is considered to be spread out more (sorta like skirmishers did in Civil War days) with an attendant morale drop, but also slightly harder to spot.


Cats aren't clean, they're covered with cat spit.

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Haven't used them in this capacity SE. confused.gif Sounds like a good idea.

Why is it then that no official scenario or for that matter any scenario I know of uses them in this capacity. wink.gif

Has anybody used sharpshooters as scouts with good results?



My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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I have and they work great. I have also tried half squads. The difference is this.

You "move" half squads through areas and in you make contact the half squad usually will not be eliminated. You pull back reform and bring up the rest of the platoon and crush the pocket.

I tend to "sneak" sharpshooters mainly due to the fact if you get spotted first you are dead. Also it is very hard to observe in the game. Sharpshooters would be ideal for movement up towards a treeline and then wait as tanks pass or whatever. This is very hard to set up. Also because you "sneak" them they are even more vunerable if bad movement paths are given because they only fire back after being fired upon. I had a veteran sharpshooter walk through a foxhole occupied by a German squad and continue on his path back turned to the squad (I know terrain is abstract). The fact that the squad didn't initially notice (excuse me...no pardon me..no no coming through....no me es German...don't I know you from somewhere?) is great but they just stood up and shot him in the back seconds later (unforgiving bastards). Then again I snuck one sharpshooter in the rear of an enemy, identified his main attack force and shot two tank commanders so what do I know?


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snake Eyes:

Have you no Sharpshooters? I find them to make excellent recon units. And the concensus here is that it isn't a 'gamey' tactic.


I've had mixed results with sharpshooters. They are good at long range recon, (looking out over a field from a treeline) since their spotting ability is good and they seem to hide well from the enemy.

They are horrible as any sort of recon screen. I played one senrior against the computer where a sharpshooter was hidden in the trees on a hill above the road. I used a half squad screens on either side of the road before my tanks came up. These half squads killed the sharpshooter without even thinking about stoping. I missed seeing it in the video, because I didn't hear any fighting sounds. Therefore keep use your sharpshooters for recond where they are unlikely to come into contact with the enemy.


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