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Club SSI (CC parent) has Combat mission review !

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here is what Club SSI has on their site.

"Saturday, June 24, 2000

Combat Mission Review - 3:11 PM PST by Tosev

While not a SSI product, I know many of our Close Combat fans are curious about Battlefront.com's 3D WWII turn-based strategy game, Combat Mission. You can find a review of Combat Mission over on GamesDomain. What do they say?

This could be a very short review, particularly given we've already run two lengthy previews of the game, and my opinion has changed little since the February 2000 beta. In short, I could simply say that if you have any interest for tactical WWII wargaming, skip the review and head straight to the Battlefront.com website and place your forty-five bucks on the electronic table now. Combat Mission is the best wargame I've played in some time. It's not without the odd quirk, but it's streets ahead of the current competition.

You can check out the full review over on GamesDomain or you can just head over to Battlefront.com and download the game demo and try it yourself!"

couldn't have said it any better myself


[This message has been edited by Arien (edited 06-29-2000).]

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