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BTS- thanks for quick hiding feature

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I'd like to address an underappreciated feature of CM- the ability to hide CM instantly by hitting the escape key on a Mac. Most games don't care about how quickly you can hide the game. As a result, when your parents or boss walks into the room when your'e playing games, it takes twenty panic-filled seconds to quit out of the game and pretend to be working. Not so with Combat Mission! One key, and it appears that you were working hard the whole time. Thank you, BTS, for implementing this feature.


Charon doesn't make change.

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You have parents or a boss? In my case, it was parents, and my dad thought all computer games were evil. I almost got a heart attack each time I played Marathon II, because with that game, I had to command-q, wait 2 seconds in which my adreniline is soaring through the roof, then hit exit, then wait 2 more precious seconds for it to quit. Course, now I'm in college, so no problems anymore. Thanks agian, BTS!


Charon doesn't make change.

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Ah yes the holy of all things excalib.... oh wait yes the ESC key is wonderful. It has saved me more than a few explanations. Especially if you have hide taskbar on. A great combo... for pc users that is. wink.gif


"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

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It almost saved me. I was worried about my boss seeing me playing a game, so i hit ESC and escaped that disaster. Although it exposed my browsered web page of bizarre animal bondage sex that I was downloading. Thanks to BTS's fast escape I lost my job, my wife, and am now facing charges. Had it not worked so quickly, i would have been just caught playing a game and disaplined, But at least the ESC key worked great.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mother Theresa:

It almost saved me. I was worried about my boss seeing me playing a game, so i hit ESC and escaped that disaster. Although it exposed my browsered web page of bizarre animal bondage sex that I was downloading. Thanks to BTS's fast escape I lost my job, my wife, and am now facing charges. Had it not worked so quickly, i would have been just caught playing a game and disaplined, But at least the ESC key worked great.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I do really hope you are not serious?

Are you?

-tom w

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