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AI - again /some questions

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Now, that the releasedate is known, i still want to discuss some things about the AI.

I posted last week, that the AI of CM is the best i ever played - and i´m so happy about this. - But, i always win the games (?) - not every time - last night i played Riesberg for the "i don´t know how often time" as US and got only a draw - what a great fight!!!!

I love it, that every new game is totally different and new again - even by knowing the enemy positions (i play like it would be the first time for me, or in other words, as i would be responsible for my men and material, or, like any military commander, who has to plan his attack to an unknown enemy.) o.k., o.k., some people will say know, stop this praying to BTS - but, THIS GAME IS REALLY GREAT AND HAS THE BEST AI EVER PLAYED BEFORE - Thank you BTS again.

But, i´ve found some things i wanna ask.

1. i´ve never saw the computer take the topfloors of multy-story-buildings to get a better fireposition

2. by attacking, the computer seems to lack a little bit with the coordination of his forces. Don´t get me wrong, but i have a feeling of "there could be more pressure to me".

3. in most games, the computer never used his arty against buildings (especially Riesberg) - some times the US Fwo is running directly into my defensive fire (by playing the germans)

4. in every game, the computer is the attacker, - when his squads are nearly wiped out and there is only one man left, this poor guy is running straight to my positions, tries to attack and then is captured or killed - should this be an act of heroism or is it a bug?

5. Sometimes (Riesberg) there a kill-zones by the 88s. But the Shermans don´t try to avoid them.

Whups, that all, i guess. Sorry, if some of this questions has been ask before, but i didn´t found much solutions with the searchfunction (only big disussions).

Could you give me an answer to my questions. Will these points be fixed or changed???

(I preordered the game yet, so, you won´t do any thing wrong by answering me - heheheheh).

Thanks a lot again - and please excuse my not perfect english.

Greetings from germany


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Let me see if i could draw on my own personal experience and answer a few,

1) Do you mean after the battle has begun? I have played scenarios (Reisburg and LD) in which the defending force (AI)

has MG teams in 2nd stories, But they were set-up there. I have never seen the AI move a unit from ground to second story.

2) I believe this is a bug that has been fixed and the soon to be released gold demo/game's AI is much improved, Although to be sure i'd wait for an answer from those "in the know" (Steve, Fionn, etc...)

3 & 4) see #2 above

5) FOW (fog of war). The amis haven't a clue as to whether Reisburg is defended or not. The Shermans have no idea there is a sharpshooter inside, much less 2 88s!

I hope this helps smile.gif

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Thanks for your quick answer!

To #1 - yes, i mean after the battle has begun. - I tried it in CE again (only watching the computer moving ... - no entering of topfloors - but it would make really sense - better fireposition, better overlook)

#2,3,4 ahhh, gooooood!

#5 - hmmm, but if there are 3 burning Shermans standing on the street, the 4th should be a little bit more careful, shouldn´t he?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jochen:

#5 - hmmm, but if there are 3 burning Shermans standing on the street, the 4th should be a little bit more careful, shouldn´t he?


So true, maybe he thinks the 88 is out of ammo biggrin.gif . Anyways, i'd add this one to my answer to questions #2,3, & 4 and wait and see what improvements the Gold demo offers smile.gif

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Aha, i´ve found some snswers to my questions with the searchfunction.

Oh my god, what a good game AI (read the articles of Fion, Steve ...)

but one question still is open:

"Topfloor-Using" by computertroops. (Well, i couldn´t believe it, that the BTS-Guys don´t know and fix that).

But, i still would be very happy to get an answer to this remaining question.

Greetings to all - i can´t wait any longer to get this damned good game, wich makes all my dreams come true, since my first Squad Leader game 1984.

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Does the AI start every game with same depolyment? At least in CE it always seem to park two StuG III's in the small woods near the back line. This of course tempts me to react before I theoretically know they are there. Some what akin to sending in the smoke orders in turn 8 of Last Defence knowing the Hellcats are coming.

This matters is if we are generally playing the AI rather than PBEM or live opponets. So will there be any varibility in AI setup or first turn. Granted after that it plays fine as mentioned above. However, some variations might be challanging even if our set up is the same.

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I've had remarkable success in beating all the scenarios of late. The AI for CM is very good and I wouldn't presume to slam it. It is no mean feat to develop AI for a simulation of this complexity. My hats off too BTS. It can only get better.

Besides, I hate to lose biggrin.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Woody said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My hats off too BTS. It can only get better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It already has smile.gif If you have ever had trouble beating the AI in the Beta Demo, even if you eventually won, the final is going to be a lot rougher on you for sure wink.gif We have made a whole lot of improvements to the AI since the Beta Demo.

JD, the AI already has variable set up capabilities. However, it looks at the map as a human would. So instead of plopping things down randomly it makes some logical decisions as to where to put stuff. So if it seems that the AI in a particular scenario is more or less consistant, it is because it doesn't feel there are many other good options.

A better example to look at for this is the Americans in Riesberg or the Germans in Last Defense. Plenty of different setups can be seen in practically each game.

As for the AI being "smart" about danger based on circumstances... we wish we could, but it is asking a bit much. That kind of human logic is *very* hard to program in. And of course the AI plays each scenario fresh while humans remember stuff from one game to the next.

There have been quite a few discussions about AI over the last couple of months. Search should turn up some good stuff.


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Still my question is left -

do computertroops take 2nd floor in the finalgame. At the moment i´ve seen no computersquad take, after the battle has begun, the upperfloor of any building.

Please answer me.



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