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Problems With Bridges Over Roads

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There are some problems with the terrain tiles that have high stone bridges crossing over roads. Two of these problems have a real effect on gameplay--the other is cosmetic.

1. Wrecked Vehicles

Wrecked vehicles on the lower level jump up onto the bridge. This can happen if they are pushed by a live vehicle or coast to a stop in the tile after death. In both cases, instead of going under the bridge, they end up on top of it.

2. Unit Orders

You can't order a unit on the lower level road to stop under the bridge to enjoy its cover. There's no way to put a waypoint under the bridge itself--it is always drawn on top of the bridge. This not only causes a cover and concealment problem, but it also results in the AI doing strange things. Because you have unintentionally ordered it to get on top of the bridge, it plots its own round-about course to get there, often taking it through bad or inconvenient areas.

3. Moving Units

Cosmetic. When units move along the road under the bridge (with a waypoint on each side, vehicles move under the bridge with no problems), their model graphics follow the road surface. However, their bases tilt up onto the bridge and then back down to the lower road on the other side. Also, the line between their waypoints goes over instead of under the bridge. This last is probably related to (2) above.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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