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Slow mouse response

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I'm running CM on a laptop with AMD 450 Mhz CPU with 3D Now! processing built into it. It's no 3D card but better than nil. DirectX has some kind of support for it.

Well...the delay on rendering a new view is not that bad. It's quite acceptable. The problem is response to mouse input. It's incredibly slow. I'm talking about response to cursor movement and mouse clicking on a unit during orders-giving phase. No graphics is being rendered here, yet the system often requires 1 sec to show the popup menu after I have clicked a unit, and response to mouse movement to select a given order is also incredibly slow.

It occurs even when I have turned off sound. However, I was wondering if Battlefront could add a 3rd Sound option which is: Sound On During Battle Only.


So that's why you came to Tuco. It doesn't matter...I'll kill all of them.

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Your CPU is very busy drawing the screen and menus & mouse movement just compound what it has to do. Although your AMD has the "3D Now" extensions it isn't enough to help in a very significant way (those extensions compete with Intel's MMX SIMD - programs just have to be written to support their functionality). Basically, without a 3D card anything you do on the screen is going to be slow.

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With all due respect....I'm skeptical. I'm able to run MS Flight Simulator on this laptop, with 4-6 frames of 3D views generated per sec, and during this constant frame generation I am able to move mouse cursor to airplane panel and adjust knobs and dials etc with no poor response time. Contrast this with CM where I'm just trying to click on a team during Orders phase and get a menu and select an order from menu. Somewhere, whether in CM or Direct3D, something is being done very inefficiently.

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I haven't played around with MS Flight Simulator, but it is possible that CM has a lot more polygons and textures on the screen than it does. With this much data being moved back and forth your video is going to draw quite a bit more slowly.

It is possible that MS Flight Simulator has more optimized code than CM, but I'm more under the impression that it has to move less data than CM and can therefore draw to the screen faster. BTS may have had to make compromises in performance for the sake of compatibility - but I think that there are only a few instances of that in the code.

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I'm not sure that you understand what I am saying. View drawing time is acceptable. It's not even bad. Battle being played is fine. I have no complaints about delay in polygon drawing. In fact it's not even bad!

My complaint is about mouse response during Orders-giving phase, when I am not changing views, *when no graphics or polygons are being drawn*. All I am doing is moving the mouse cursor to a unit and clicking. That can't be more 3-to-2D processing than MS FS doing 2-3 entire frames worth.

It shouldn't take a 450 Mhz processor 1 sec to figure which of 10-15 teams I am clicking on and display a popup menu.

There is something funky in the processing in that area and it's not kosher IMO. Especially when my machine is redisplaying entire CM battlefield views within 1 sec.

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