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Yet another thread praising CM and BTS

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I finally got CM after a 3 week wait but it was by far worth the wait. As soon as I tore open the package and after a long install i was playing my fellow Canuks in the Sherbrooke Fusiliers and that lasted for 4 hours but i did not stop there i played several other scenarios lasting another four hours and after a pizza and 6 cans of beer i am little out of it. So right now i am taking my break but will soon be back right at it. This is by far the BEST GAME OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!I just thank god that I dont have work the next day or else because of lack of sleep and a bad hangover i would ranting on about the Germans taking our position in the north ,screaming at my co workers to man that fox hole and saluting my boss wink.gif. And i can tell you this will keep on going all weekend. Hopefully this won't last forever but this game has some nicotine in it or something. (maybe someone should come up with a CM patch for your arm smile.gif )


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