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Navy Seals

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He means the orginal one that came out like 4 or 5 years ago.

It's a fun game but I had a long list of improvements that I

wanted to see implemented but they never did a sequel. frown.gif

The new one coming out from Codemasters (who bought the rights to

the game off of Sierra) uses the Unreal engine and looks to

be very cool. smile.gif I just hope they make it realistic, like Rainbow 6.

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thats the one, but for a game that came out in 93 it still beats the hell out of a lot of new FPS, yes it has its flaws, but the gameplay is what makes it a strong game. it doesnt get the recognition it deserves, just like the seals..........

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I always placed my satchel-charges near the extraction point. Then when the chopper came and picked us up you could see zillions of explosions. That was my way of telling that we had left the perimeter smile.gif

I enjoyed the game immensly, leaving wounded seals behind (not realistic but fun) and then picking them up on the way out. Crawling through rivers, calling support...aah memories, sweet memories.

Great atmosphere...if i'm not mistaken i have it around here somewhere...quick install then smile.gif

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