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House of Horrors

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1st of I dont know the effect of mortor/artillery shells on buildings so I don't really know what I'm talking about.

But I've noticed that buildings can be some of the worst places to place your troops on the entire battle field. How likely is it that 30 secs of 81mm mortor fire will set a house on fire? Or 4-5 75mm shell hits will turn a heavy building into rubble?

Agian I'm not bad mouthing the modeling of these effects because I have no idea what would happen in the real world. I was just woundering if any1 has any experiences they could tell me about to back what I've seen up.

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Kiwi, I am a former arty guy so I might be able to show a bit of light on the mortar bit.

I believe (without delving into firing tables or a long experiment to prove my thoughts) that it depends. Eventually an 81 (or any indirect fire weapon) would/could set a wooden structure on fire and/or rubble it. How many? Luck or Murphy's Law will determine that wink.gif

Depends on how damp things are, type of round, etc.

As for the tank/AT round....I believe it possible but probability.....???

I have little experience with that era weapons. wink.gif


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

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Michael emrys wrote:

Houses especially with lots of radio antennas attract artillery like flypaper.

So that's the reason why I found a swarm of 76K02 cannons dangling from my living room ceiling this morning.

- Tommi

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might I suggest a bug zapper. while not as effective against certain types of field artillery and useless against mortars, I find that there's nothing like sitting on the back porch on a hot summers night with brew in hand watching them pesky 76's fly into it. talk about fireworks.

And no messy clean up afterward.


"Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss:

Michael emrys wrote:

Houses especially with lots of radio antennas attract artillery like flypaper.

So that's the reason why I found a swarm of 76K02 cannons dangling from my living room ceiling this morning.


Maybe you should switch to a satellite dish. Boy I know what those 76s can be like, especially early in the morning when you aren't fully awake yet. Come in and bang your head on one. Oow! Not a good way to start the day.


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