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Bombs away!

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How many bombs does a fighter-bomber carry in CM? IIRC, it is 2 500lbers. The reason I ask is that in the two times I've seen FB used against me (Damm you doc!)the plane would make two bomb runs, but each run resulted in two huge explosions each side of the target. Did a search, read plenty of posts about how lethal they are (to both enemy & friendly units) but couldn't find any payload info. Anyone know for sure?



Charlie don't surf!

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Yep,you got it right.2x500lbs,or rockets.

It's on pg.85 in the Manual.

Are you sure it wasn't 2 FB's?

I ask because I've made some "air attack"

battles,and unless more than one is on screen at the same time,wich is pretty rare,

It gets confusing.

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Actually Kingfish, this was discussed quite some time ago. As I recall it was stated that some aircraft carried a single bomb while others had two. Some of the ones that had 2 also had pilot control over whether 1 or both were dropped at the same time. I'll see if I can find the thread. But either way, what you've been seeing certainly sounds like 2 FB's to me, not 1.


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I'll have to ask my opponent about the number he purchased, but I don't think he got 2.

Going on memory, this is what he had for the first battle:

1 M4 Sherman (can't remember the gun)

1 M7 priest

1 M18 TD

2 M8 A/C

A couple of HTs

A co. of infantry

Possible he had some arty support, not sure

The above was a 1000 pt attack QB with me as the defender. Now, IIRC, a FB cost something like 300 pts, so is it possible to purchase that much hardware and still get 2 FBs?

I'm at work now, so I can't run a purchase test. Anyone cares to find out for me, I'd appreciate it



Charlie don't surf!

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Shug! Tu es el Hombre'

Thanks for running the test. As a token of my appreciation, I’m going to level the town of Cambes and kill anyone wearing a grey uniform.

Do you know who has been using those damm Jabos against me? Take a guess.


Charlie don't surf!

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Holla Sergio

You will have a hard time to find anyone with Feldgrau uniforms, thanks to your onslought the colour has allready changed to blood-red.

It is quite easy to figure out who is responsible when death comes from above; it has to be my Nemesis most-wanted-dead-or alive Joanathan "Doc" Freyland.

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I have again been summoned from the Netherworld (regions?) by a post referring to none other than, well, me.


1) Regarding your concerns at the number of times I have successfully carried off airborne assaults on your unprotected Heiney..... Phiibbbbbhhht!

2) In each battle, I have only used one FB. In the first battle, the FB was american, and it dropped bombs on your poor hetzer, and then used MG on everything else (and I do mean everything. Sucker killed more than my troops did!) In the second battle, our present, I have a single British FB. If I remember correctly, British planes have both bombs and rockets, and I clearly saw both of these weapons clearly miss your StuH. I am hoping it has 20mm cannons, but I cannot remember. The purchase price for the aircraft was 225 both times. Early in the war, allied aircraft costs 300 as well, perhaps to represent the difficulty in fielding them while the Germans still had some wings in them.

3) My poles do not like you.

Egad! The light! I now return to my non-posting status.



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Schugger, my friend, we really need to send turns more often. I miss your desparate pleas for me to drop more artillery on your head in VoT. I dream pleasant dreams of un-ending lines of your surrendered troops. I am saddened that we have been unable to maintain that cherished proverb, "keep your friends close,....and keep your enemies closer". Right now, you are more like an evil business associate! tongue.gif

"Doc Freyland"


[This message has been edited by Freyland (edited 08-29-2000).]

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If you name the devil....

Oh great Lord, what have I done to be cursed with such terrible opponents?

Actually, I have to admit that I start to like my daily PBEM punishment. There isn't something greater in the world when I come home from work, fire up the comp and then launch CM. It is strange, whenever I try to open one of your PBEM turns I get a system request: " Are you sure you really want to open that bloody file?". Then I put my steel helmet on and press "OK". But Jonathan, I have to notify you that Sergio is by now my most feared PBEM deamon. He eats my hamSSters for breakfeast at "First Clash at Cambes": Soldiers, nay, whole squads dissapear within seconds, buildings were trembling or set on fire and the earth is shacking whereever the Lord of battle is walking and spits death and destruction. It is truly apocalyptical - The horror. I feel really sick when I had to watch the movie files and Moon should be court martialed for creating such a meatgrinder scenario.

I will light up a candle when this game is over and I had survived it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:

Cambes... Freyland... Apocryphal destruction... Burning everywhere... Explosion after explosion after explosion...

Oh, sorry --- just having a little flash-back there...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You?...too? Lend me your shoulder to weep a bit...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freyland:

3) My poles do not like you.


I'm sure they're not too happy with you either. Any chance your plan "B" will be as entertaining as plan "A"? Man, did I have fun with that one! biggrin.gif


Charlie don't surf!

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