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ERROR: cannot connect to specified ip address

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So far I have not had any success in connecting to TCP/IP games. I get this response when submitting an ip address:

ERROR: cannot connect to specified ip address

This has happened a few times now. I am not using a firewall or anything like that and I use a good isdn connection so does anyone have any ideas on this or shall I just wait for the finished TCP/IP patch?

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I read in one of the post to be sure you are typing in all the numbers (leading zeros too) of the ip address. Such as would be entered as

Just a thought


Are you gonna pull them pistols? Or whistle Dixie? --- Josey Wales

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Local LAN games tip, both machines having 192.168.0.x addresses:

I have three Win95 computers on a LAN, sharing an internet connection using WinGate.

In order to play within the LAN, I had to disable the WinGate client on the two machines I was using (the third computer has the modem and WinGate server software).

If the software is not disabled, the CM client will correctly(!) claim that it cannot connect to the CM server...

Once I had disabled the WinGate clients, I was able to connect to the 192.168.0.x address without needing leading zeroes in the address.

Hope it helps.

Edit: Cross-posted in CM Tech Support forum.

Just nod if you can hear me.

[This message has been edited by NigelO (edited 12-03-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

One of the changes we have made to CM since the v1.1 beta is the ability of CM to now report ALL IP addresses that a system currently has (I hear a sigh of collective relief from the AOL users out there). When a system has multiple IP addresses assigned to it, and there are a variety of reasons why this could be, CM or any game for that matter, isn't able to determine which one is the CORRECT IP, they can just report the ones in which they think people will be connecting to.

Now we have the ability to list all the IP's addresses so if you give one to your opponent and it doesn't work you can then give them the next one on the list. Make note of WHICH one works and in the future it will always be the same one. So lets say you have some funky setup and CM lists 3 IP addresses. The first doesn't work, the second one does. Well next time you host you will know to give out the second IP address as the correct one.

As long as your system stays the same (network wise) the correct IP should always be in the same place in the list.


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-03-2000).]

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