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Voice Commander - does it take CPU cycles?

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For those of you using Voice Commander, does it slow things down when in use?

Does create a pretty big CPU load?

In a flight simulator where you need every single cpu clock cycle you can get, is there a noticeable hit on performance?

Is there a performance hit in COmbat Mission with this?

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I use Gamecommander alot and have found I take more of a cpu hit from winamp when played along side a game. Gamecommander was designed to work with games and their instantanious requirements for input, as such its prety smooth sailing with every game I have used it with.

Voice recognition in the past was to slow and clunky for games due to the 33,000+ word vocabulary the engine had to search through. This puppy only has to search through the small command set that the game uses, which makes it lightning quick.

Since CM uses an order phase and not a realtime mode CM plays like Gamecommander isn't even there. I have played Unreal Tournament with GC to switch weapons while my fingers do other things and it still kicks butt. wink.gif


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