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Fanatics and Freeks!

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unbelivable kills, or just a fluke.. I made a quick battle SS vs. U.S. the Ami's had a company strength in Sherm's. anyhow, the SS were Vets and the Ami's were Regulars. I had a SMG squad hiding in a foxhole in trees next to a road and they started to open up as they got heat from a Sherman that just rolled up to them, next thing I saw was unbelivable they move right on the tank and in 20 seconds that tank is abandoned crew lying dead around the tank... what gives! the guys had no Panzerfaust nothing and the tank was buttoned up. They carried on to take out a jeep and a halftrack before a .50 cal wiped them out... can troops go fanatic even when you didn't up the fanatizism factor? cuz I've had the same simmilar situation where a Sturmgruppe paniced and bolted for Berlin.

wee that was fun to watch! (uh the SMG unit not seeing 13 guys run home to mama)

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Maybe I am reading your post wrong since I just got done playing this heavenly game all night, but...

From what you seem to be describing you are asking two questions... One how did the SMG squad kill the sherman? And then how the hell did they go berzerk and kill other tough things too?

Well Heres my answer, and it may be wrong since I am tired and didn't see your game.

Any unit has the ability to one degree or another, to take out a tank... It is recognized that just about all units with the exception of flamethrower units, crew from abaandoned vehicles defenses etc, and arty spotters or are crew of some kind of arty. carry grenades...

Even if they don't killing a tank is still possible from extreme close range... Imagine this It actually happened to me in the game, and made sense to me...

I had created a map that was a large city battle, the Germans had assorted armor, but their crown jewel of the battle was their Panther g(late). It lost a tred when it faced my sherman jumbo, but the jumbo lost the fight badly otherwise... I spent the next 10 turns of the battle trying to knock out the damn thing with Bazzoka teams and rifle grenades all doing little or nothing to take out the little black Cat... Finaly friustrated I realized in real life a squad can close assualt a tank with grenades and such... In fact a grenade is a deadly thing to a tank... With some simply tossing one underneith it is enough to end it's rien of terror, blowing the fuel tank etc... or of course you could climb on top of the tank, throw (more often than not your have to shoot it open) open a hatch, toss in the grenade, or even fire a single shot from your pistol into the open hatch... the grenade will kil almost if not all of the crew, the pistol shot will ricochet around the cabin killing a couple ofmen at least... and lastly their are the vision slits, which are easily penetrated... So if that sherman was close enough to your SMG squad just picture one or two of them climbing on board and tossing in a grenade, or shooting the driver... making the crew bail out and falling victim to the SMg squad... as for the other kills the squad got, it is probably a mixture of fanatasism, and luck... Stranger things have happened on the battlefield than one SMG squad knocking out a few armored foes...

I hope this helps you a bit... and if I am totaly misunderstanding you forgive me since my brain shut down as soon as I heard taps play on CMBO about a half hour ago...

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ya I figured they did something like that.. shooting or so but man did they have heat from every rifle squad in the area and any joe with a firecracker on the field heh... hmmm too bad there is no save function for battles to see the film and post it, would be funny to see all the other flukes and freeky action from other players. as for the jeep it was right behind the Sherm trying to back out, but the halftrack was in the way, nice traffic jam. all I could figure out is that ja they (SS) were Berzerk and freeked out the other two vehilces seeing five fanatical SS troops storm a Sherman?? who knows maybe they were so destraught that they were also on the inivitation list for Bratwurst and Beer like the Tankers in that Sherman

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I just played a new scenario I am making twice last night, and in both games the U.S. Company HQ unit killed a King Tiger with Grenades. Sad to say, in both games, it was my LAST King Tiger as well. Both attacks resulted in the unhurt crew abandoning the tank. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it was enough to raise eyebrows. This game has caused me to hurl a lot of words my old drill instructors would have been proud of at my computer monitor.


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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, units can sometimes (infrequently) go fanatic even when the scenario isn't set up for fanaticism.


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