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Old PBEM prob: Unit won't take orders

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In the beta - demo (RIP) we had the problem in PBEM games where one unit or so, usually a tank would refuse to accept orders. The solution as I recall was to quit and reload and after one or two repetitions this would usually solve the problem.

With the advent of Gold I have continued to have this problem, not very often but it has caused a couple of hairy moments, [like I need to rotate & target with that StuG because 2 Shermans are headed over that rise in about 20 seconds and I am toast if i can't] Luckily the "old solution" still works, but it is irritating. It has taken 3-4 times to clear up such situations.

Have others experienced this in the final code version as well and 1) any thoughts on cause and 2) any solutions that either are permanet or more elegant than quit and reboot?

I am using an iMac DV SE w/ OS 9

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 05-30-2000).]

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Yes. I've seen and reported this in the gold demo and at least one other has as well. By any chance is your opponent on a PC? (In the two reports I've seen the problem was seen on a Mac playing PBEM vs. a PC user).

Workaround is abort the scenario and reload the PBEM file.


Leland J. Tankersley

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