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Wheat field coverage

Guest Captain Manieri

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Guest Captain Manieri

When I make my Normandy beach scenario, I'm going to use the wheat field surface to simulate sand. My question is, how much coverage and/or defilade do wheat fields provide? I need to know partially due to the fact that sand is practically wide open and naked and I'm really clueless as to how much coverage a wheat field can provide without getting too much coverage.

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Guest Madmatt

Hmm, the winter wheat would have more the look you are going for and as I understand it is also shorter than the normal wheat. For the record there are two wheat textures in CM, one for winter (thats whats in the demo) and one for summer. The PROBLEM is that you would need to change the date of your scenario to one of the Winter months to get the winter wheat. Ok, no problem EXCEPT that the big Allied Naval Artillery is only available for the first few months of the game (after this point the advance had gone passed the range of the guns I am assuming.

So you can have a better looking and more accurate WHEAT color to simulate sand with no Naval Arty or you can just use the regular summer wheat which may not look as much like sand as the Winter Wheat but will do the job just as well.

To be honest Benny, why dont you use rough mixed in with regualr grass? The mockup sceanrio that I played done by one of the Beta Guys was very cool and he just used the regualr grass. Dont worry about the color so much as the gameplay aspect.



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 05-12-2000).]

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Also the wheat might provide too much concealment. Sounds like you might need a regular grass tile tweaked by Coolj to get the entire effect. Plus you don't want to set up a Normandy thing that has the wrong date stamped on it.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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Yeap one of the darkest grass tiles can be used as sand - since it isn't used much I would assume. smile.gif



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Guest Madmatt

That wont work CCJ. The terrain gets darker and more 'brown' as the elevation increase. To simulate the natural undergrowth thinning out at higher elevations. So if he makes his beach say level 15 or so, yes he will have a nice sandy colored field that will look alot like sand EXCEPT he will be unable to model the defenses on the heights ABOVE the beach as he will only have 3 or 4 extar terrain elevations to play with. I had to work this out in my DAM map. I wanted a nice high towering structure but I also wanted it to span across a valley. There are only 20 elevation levels (geez only 20, I played games where I was all giddy when there was 3!) to use and if you start off with a really high playing field you cant go up much further.



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