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Historical Question?

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I'm posting this topic to ask a question about the French forces portrayed in the game. Why is their unit list a shortened list of the American Force Pool? I understood it that the Free French were armed by the British not the Americans?

Would someone please set me on the path so that I might override my ignorance on the topic....



Who says charging the enemy isn't the best policy?...

words of the late, "great" commander Haigh

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Well without reviewing the whole story of Free french forces, Let us say that the second Armoured division, in french "2ième DB", was in 1944 equiped with US tools of trade.

But there were several units who used a vast variety of equipment.

Hell free french even used B1-Bis tanks during the fight to retake Royans in 1944



"Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche"

Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk

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