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Bug or undocumented feature?

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I noticed this some time ago and I can reproduce it with every version of CM I have:

1. Padlocked units can still be rotated during setup. This obviously doesn't make much difference for most units, but for fortifications and obstacles it matters. Of course, this could be intentional. I don't know.

2. Units located in the neutral zone (gray base) can be moved to any friendly setup zone during setup (only for non-quick battle scenarios of course), although according to the manual they should not be relocatable at all.

3. A question: the CM1.1beta readme states that you don't see passengers disembarking out of LOS anymore. Does this "increased" FOW cover other details of vehicles too? Specifically in one scenario I've played the marker of an enemy tank that had disappeared behind a hill showed "bogged in" and later "immobilized" although none of my units could see the tank until quite a few turns later. I don't think I should have gotten that much information. Is this fixed in CM1.1 too?


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1) This seems weird. I haven't tried it though.

2) AFAIK this is mentioned in the manual. You can move "grey" units into any friendly setup zone, but not move them into any other spot in the grey zone. And I'm also quite certain that if you do move them into a coloured zone during setup, you won't be able to "undo" that move and replace them in their original location.



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