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Suggestions for Das Reich

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Max Hastings (author of OVERLORD and other respected histories) has a book called simply DAS REICH. It deals with that division's march through France towards the D-Day beaches after June 6, 1944.

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Guest SS Peiper

James Lucas has a book called Das Reich the military role of the 2nd SS Division a;so very good

SS Peiper

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Guest SS Peiper

see what happens when you drink and type redface.gif

SS Peiper

[This message has been edited by SS Peiper (edited 07-06-2000).]

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for reference on the web, go:



From above website:

Mark C. Yerger is a noted historian and researcher on the Waffen SS. He has accumulated over 4,000 photos, several hundred thousand document copies, 400 SS texts and several hundred periodicals including all "Der Freiwillige." Mr. Yerger has had regular contact with or met over 150 commanders and Knight's Cross holders and has perhaps the largest holding of material related to 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". Needless to say he is one of the premier historians of the Waffen-SS. I will provide a list of Mr. Yerger's books as well as the autographed prints of Waffen SS Knights Cross holders that he has for sale or trade.

Furthermore check: http://www.jjfpub.mb.ca/


Das Reich I by Otto Weidinger (ISBN 0-921991-07-X ). $36.00(US) / $54.00 (CDN). Hard cover, 9"x6", 304 pages, 115 photographs 13 maps, charts and tables.

The first of a 5-volume set, this volume covers the 2. SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich" from its formation in 1934 to the conclusion of the Polish Campaign in 1939. A lot of detail on the formation of the SS.

Das Reich II ISBN 0-921991-24-X. $40.00(US) / $56.00 (CDN). Hard cover, 9"x6", 400 pages, 108 photographs 20 maps, charts and tables.

This volume covers actions in Holland, France, Yugoslavia and Russia (until August 1941) in great detail. An excellent fighting record of this elite Waffen SS unit.




Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

- The DesertFox -

Email: desertfox1891@hotmail.com

WWW: http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891

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