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A BIG "THANKS" to all the modmakers

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maybe, that this was said before, but i wanna thank those guys for their very good work.

It´s amazing, how the game looks and sounds better now - great work!!!!

Thank you very much!!!!!

(i know, that this has nothing to do with mods, but does anybody know, if BTS is planning to make new "rubblemodels"??? Even if it is hard to programm, - it would be great and would look really realistic, so the whole game would win more "feeling").

Greetins from Germany


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Does it ever. I have some ideas planned for myself that I am working on. Found somebody that will sell me Photoshop cheap so I can paint my own changes. The game nearly looks perfect now. It only needs some other changes to the editor.



"Quando omni flunkus moritati"

- Motto of Possum Lodge

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Great to hear this!

But it is not done by repainting them (rubbles), isn´t it?! I think it is necessary to code a new 3D-model that those rubblehouses look like real rubble.

Hopefully, they (BTS) will try to do so, it would be really great. Imagine, how those villages would look like, after 5 days of combat, with realistic rubbles - still great, i would say, like your own warmovie!!!

Thanks again!

Greetings from Germany


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I agree but from what MadMatt told me I cannot recode the shapes of buildings of vehicles only change what is being painted on them. So what I would like is to see a partially bombed/shelled out house/building with rafters and framing timbers showing. Maybe redo the burning buildings, if possible, and take away some structure.

IF and this is an IF, I can get some decent looking sand then these buildings can be made to look like desert structures and the trees turned into palms. Then some work on a few vehicles and on the uniforms and you have a desert battles possible.


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Thanks again for your answers! Huh, you know a lot of such things - i don´t - i´m only a user with a big wishlist.

A desert-looking CM? Well, why not - would be interesting.

But i´m very eager to have really ruined cities - It would be great to see this (i know i´m little perverted - but war is war, and the destruction should be shown).

Thanks again!

Greetings from Germany


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I'm 200% behind a great big "Thanks!" and a massive "Huzzah!" for all the ModMakers. A really, really great job on all the revised art. It so helps make this game even more of a winner than it already is.

Now, a question: Is it just me, or is there yet no snow-camo for the PzKw VG and PzKw VG "late" (i.e., the two G-model Panthers)?

After first noticing a non-camo Pz VG in a Quick Battle in the snow, I did a "test" scenario with snow, put in one each of all the German vehicles, and the Panther G and Panther G "late" are the only German vehicles with no snow camo! Very peculiar. I figured I must have goofed on my mod download or unzipping, so I started investigating. I double checked all the officially released Mods with German vehicles on TGN's site, and none of them have the files for Panther G's. There are several mods with snow camo for the Panther "A" model; but I found none for the two "G" models.

...is it just me?? Am I missing it somewhere? If it's not just me, can someone tell us *when* we might have snow camo for the two PzV G models?

any help would be appreciated.


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re: no snow camo versions for PzKw VG & PzKw VG "late":

"You are right - it´s not just you!"

Well, that's nice to hear I'm not going crazy. For a bit there I was wondering...

Jochen, thanks very much for the reply.

Now, it sure would be nice to get some snow-camo 'skins' for the Panther G and "late" G models. <hint, hint>


[This message has been edited by CKibler (edited 10-19-2000).]

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