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An off topic Qquestion!! Hidden German Bases

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I have footage of of an American landing force invading Antarctica at the end of WWII.

Has anyone heard or seen anything about this?

Strange but true.

I have the footage with its info but i want more info from different sources to authenticate it.

Apparently the continent was mostly in German control and there were German bases underground. 50+ German submarines went missing at the end of WWII, they were not listed as being out on patrol etc, they simply vanished. Where did they go?

Possibly here.

The American landing force landed ( u get to see this footage) and apparently went looking for there bases. They ended up losing there airpower there and scrubbed the mission due to power visibitly and poor conditions after losing too mnay aircraft.

The landing force was big with tanks etc.

Also note no subs went to South America, the Nazis in SA got there thru the vatican and cia by plane, ive read the documents about how they got there.

Was a similar programme that got Von Braun to the US. It wasnt the nazis doing it by themselves the US etc helped them.

The Nazis apparently helped the US in return withthe drug trade down there setting it up and doing weird things.

Hehe come on all lets get chat going on this.

Are there any vets here that had to put on there artic gears?


Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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Plu-eze......Yeah I read a book about the Nazi use of Antartica, and they developed flying saucers, and have a base on the far side of the moon.....I am NOT making theis up, read it,yes I did......of course the book was Science Fiction........This SO off topic , not funny, go start a thread at the National Enquirer Chat Room.

My advice to all who come here, let this die, too much silly puffery, that somehow people take seriously. Silly rnats and taunts belong on the MuthaBeautifulthread (aka Peng thread where we acknowledge our collective loose screws and various rodentia


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

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