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Idiot Volunteers to Build FAQ

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There is clearly a need for a FAQ here, to cover those issues commonly appearing on the forum that are not addressed in the manual. I am foolishly volunteering my services to build this FAQ to provide summary answers to the questions and references to threads where necessary or interesting. I have no qualifications to recommend me other than the fact that I have a spell-checker, made good grades in English, can type really fast, and enjoy most CM-related activities. I could provide a nice HTML document that perhaps one day could be hosted on one of the prime-time CM web sites.

All I am asking is that interested parties post their requests for the FAQ here - your pet peeve questions that you don't want to see anymore, or possibly just items that you think would be helpful. That at least saves me from thinking of all the questions myself. I don't want to get into rules or anything in the manual, or tips and tactics. Here is my general outline at this point:


What will CM2,3,... be about?

How many copies have been sold?




Why are only three men shown in a squad?

Why not "real-time"?


Can I get a full-length movie?

Can I have a unit list to find my FO? (sorry about that)


What is a Refresh Monkey?

What is a Peng?

I do not want to step on anyone's toes here, so if someone is already doing this, or just wants to do it themselves and grab all the credit, then that is A-OK by me. Maybe there already is a FAQ and everyone but me knows it. Just trying to pitch in and was inspired by guachi's fine work on the unit list, not to mention all the other great stuff that is out there.

If no one responds, I will consider myself off the hook. I am posting this late at night (CDT USA) to give myself the greatest chance of this happening.

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Colin, it was more like April. smile.gif

I do have SOME information all done up. I sent it off to Jason of CMHQ/Canada for HTML formatting about two-three weeks ago. Some of the info is now out of date, unfortunately, but it doesn't really matter as none of it is up on the web anyway.

I have REAMS of info that needs to be formatted but it is BORING work and I'd rather play CM or work on my unit database (which is way cool).

Doug Beman is also working on a FAQ. As soon as he gets his new computer I hope to collaborate with him. Doug has been around longer than I have so I have no doubt he knows his stuff.

Texas Toast, most of your questions are in the 'mini-FAQ' I sent off to Jason. If you want to become uber-knowledgeable about CM and the CM forum, start at thread 000001 and go from there.

I know I should have had this thing done 2-3 months ago...


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Whoops...ah well...wrong time of year.

Anyway I'd be more then happy to read over anything that you have already done and perhaps even answer some of the questions you might have left unanswered. I've been hangin' around the forum for over a year now and can always research stuff if need be. Also I'd like to host it no matter who does work on it.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


My website!

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