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Must see for CMBO buffs & newbies

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Long ago in a galaxy far away was born a revolutionary game, and Wild Bill did see it and decide to create amazing maps for it for tournament play. And yea did Treeburst155 build and run a tournament of the handpicked (by Wild Bill,WineCape and himself) from all walks of the rabid CMBO community (Pengers, ladder players, MZO, Wine Tourney, scribes, etc.)

around these very special maps, and verily did WineCape jump in with the fruits of South Africa's best wineries as prizes, and thus was begat the Invitational Tourney. It spawned a legendary series of epic clashes whose echoes may still be heard from time to time in the Forums. A portion

of this lost in ye mists of history event hath now been unearthed.

Attesteth that it was such a rip roaring success

with the most colorful blow by blow commentary that it was decided to do another one (while the first still ranneth), albeit in a more structured form, this time with the most elegant and perverse of custom designed scenarios

from a secret team of designers. On wings of light did the announcement go forth, and great was the clamor to be allowed to join the great affray, and even greater the ensuing clangor and slaughter. And yea, the most terrible things did ensue, disparagements were made, and gauntlets flung down before, during, and even after. The chroniclers worked to collapse recording it all, but only portions of their labors survived.

And it came to pass that, gore notwithstanding,

so signally successful was it that yet another

ordeal a feu was most urgently besought from the

Gaming Trinity, and they did vouchsafe us yet another, so terrible it almost drove us all mad, yet did we revel in the sheer insanity and chaos!

And herein be there mostly ye goode newes, for ye archivists hath preserved by far ye bulke of the accountes.

If ye woulde delve the dusty tomes and learne the high secrets of thine craft, then hasten ye hyre



John Kettler

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