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Exclamatory Physicological Quantum Tachyon POO!!!!! CMHQ UPDATE!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

How's that?!? BETTER??!?!?!?!?!?

Seems my last update left people thinking I was sick or something...No I am fine just been dorking with Front Page all day and I swear to god it sucks your brain out!!!

Ok, I have the new CMHQ at a Glance Link table working MUCHO BETTER and hopefully I can take a break to eat and rest my eyes and then the regular 'real' update should be going up soon. We are getting hit by another Winter Storm so the update may have to wait until power is restored, ifya know what I mean wink.gif

Check out the semi-new look and let us know what ya think!

Just trying to make your Combat Mission life a little easier... eek.gif

Madmatt out cool.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Hey, I like it. One TEENSY request? Is it possible to get a date attached to the headlines in the link table, one that is refreshed when the associated link is? I'm pretty stupid and have trouble remembering which links I've already visited, and since I visit CMHQ from work, home, and another PC at home, I can't count on the link color change to keep me pointed in the right direction.


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Guest Madmatt

Doug I was thinking of making that link table behave that way but wasn't sure which would be easier for the viewer. I want people to read the actual update on the news page so I am as yet undecided on what to do with it. I am still testing quite a lot of new stuff so a direct to page link like you requested may still go in.

Re: CMMC, send a email to Fionn, he can sign you up to the mail list that will give you all the info, and its for ANYONE not just Beta-testers!

Madmatt out cool.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Works much better now smile.gif

I find the green on black a bit of an eyeball assualt how about blue #0000FF on grey, or black on gray? tongue.gif

BTW That latest Max Molinaro link "here" doesn't work for me biggrin.gif





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Check out my Tweaked Textures for the CM Beta Demo and my Saving Private Ryan Sound Set mod! Oh Yeah - Have a listen to some of my music too! When i get my record deal...you may have to pay for it ...

[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 01-22-2000).]

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