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Warning CM virus is spreading!

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The US government has issued a Virus Alert for the CM:BO virus. All businesses are to

be on the lookout for this very addictive and quickly replicating virus. Some minor

reports of the Bug were detected over the weekend but only in the northeast corner of the US. However it is expected to sweep across the US this week and end up all around the world the following week. There is no defense against this virus.

Managers should be on the lookout for the top 10 following signs the Virus has arrived:

10. A sudden massive drop in productivity from your finest employees.

9. Sleepy and drowsy employees, or some suffering from some form of sleep depravation.

8. Large thunderous explosions from behind closed doors.

7. Incoming Email about some PBEM project.

6. Employees cussing about some guy named manieri or maximus, however you check your employee records and no such person works for you.

5. Sick Days Galore.

4. Employees keep discussing the merits of certain exotic cats.

3. Just who are these two guys, Steve and Charles, everybody keeps talking about and wants to thank.

2. Seems like everyone wants to climb some ladder over at the Annex.

1. All of a sudden everybody has a new poster.

Good luck and happy hunting


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead:

6. Employees cussing about some guy named manieri or maximus, however you check your employee records and no such person works for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, don't you forget it either! mad.giftongue.gif


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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