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AFV Main Gun Elevation

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Last night I was reading an account of a Bazooka team engaging a Tiger tank. The zook missed with the first shot, but the Tiger's return fire went high because the tank was climbing over an obstacle and the gunner could not depress the main gun far enough to compensate for the angle of the hull. Luckily for the GIs, no more tank after the next shot.

Using the search, I saw that gun depression was discussed in http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001867.html and is modeled in CM. In other words, if I am at the apex of steep hill, I could have trouble engaging targets that were at the hill's base do due the lack of gun depression.

This got me to thinking. Are main gun elevation limits modeled? For example, are there circumstances were I would only be able to fire on the troops at the top of a nearby ridge with my AA vehicle, but not with a tank main gun? This question was posed before in other threads, but I was unable to find an answer.

Only a small detail, but I think we have covered all the big ones ad nauseam. So what about it testers and/or BTS.

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On a related note, I've searched but been unable to find the answer to this question. How close does an assaulting infantry squad have to get to an AFV before the AFV cannot engage it with its main gun? Is this modelled separatly for each type of AFV based upon its maximium angle of gun depression?

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