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Passanger bailing out under fire bug ?

Guest tero

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I was playing a QB and I had a 60mm mortar riding on a tank. I ordered it to disembark (I forget if the tank was supposed to move some during the next turn). The mortar got supressed by enemy fire before it could disembark and it apparently bailed out. It recovered later but remained unusable as the "Time to disembark: 1 minute" (or something to that effect) flag was still in effect eventhough it had disembarked AND the tank had moved away.

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I experienced a similar situation. I had a 60mm mortar riding in a half track. The 60mm was ordered to disembark and move to its position. When the mortar disembarked it showed it as "time to unlimber: 1 minute" (or something to that effect). I was going to take a snapshot and report it as a bug, but on the next turn (in less than 1 minute) its status changed to reloading (what a mortar normally says when it is moving) and proceeded on its way. Sorry I can't help you with your problem, though.

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>It's not a bug!

I hope so

>Most support weapons take some time to setup after they've been moved!!

I know THAT ! :-D

But the thing is the sucker got demoralized/routed and it ran. I also had to move the tank to prevent its loss.

When the 60mm mortar morale recovered it would not accept orders as it was still unlimbering (or something to that effect) for the remainder of the game.

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