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Sound Contact possible graphics glitch

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Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you get sound contacts, they jump all over the screen? (ie you might have a light armor sound contact but it jumps to a different spot a few times a second for like 10 seconds.)

Is this normal??

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jonp, if Kestrel's little hint at the concept of FOG OF WAR doesn't ring a bell,

imagine yourself sittting in a trench,

or standing in the open hatch of your tank,

hyped up on adrenaline, small arms fire going on everywhere, there might be an enemy coming at you from the bush in front of you - or the bushes in your back. you see only very little. you hear the droning of your own armor's engines.

but then - there is an additional, strange sound. hardly perceptible, but there's something there. yes, that rustling somewhere, and those german voices. or, engines of vehicles. souinds liek a heavy tank. faint to hear over all the other sounds but yes there is something there. but where? was that in front of you, or behind you? just how close was it?

(edited for horrible typos)

[This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 08-27-2000).]

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Yes it may be a little frustrating at times to set up an ambush where you *think* a sound contact might be heading, and all of a sudden it jumps to a spot meters away from where it was originally designated...BUT IMHO it does a VERY good job of showing the uncertainty of a *sound* contact on a chaotic battlefield. M Hofbauer's description does a GREAT job of visualizing this...


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Naw, this sound contact has to be a glitch.

It jumps all over the screen. You can't even keep track of it sometimes it jumps so fast.

It's not the same sound contact as before V1.05.


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Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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