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2 Months later and the Internet is STILL a steamy pile of POO!!! Friday's CMHQ Update

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Well 2/3 of it at least...Heres the deal...the update is done and it primarily consists of:

Riesberg Turn 15 reports...

POTD archive from past week now up...

General Site news and a New Scenario Deport area unveiled...

Forums are (so they say!) working again...

Max Molinaro pic of the week...

Now the problem...I cant get the new News page that TALKS and LINKS to all this stuff to upload!!!! mad.gif AGHHHH... you can get to the AAR through the AAR section as normal and Max's pic is on page two of the Max Gallery in the Screenshot section. The Forums and Scenario Depot area's have links on the leftside of the page and POTD archive is in the....well its in the POTD archive section...The only thing you CANT get to is the POTD and that SUCKS cause I made it up special and its very cool...I will continue to try and get this damned internet to behave....



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Guest Madmatt

POO sas been swept (scooped :confused smile.gif up and the News Page at CMHQ is now the correct Friday night version... Got some good stuff there tonight, so stop hanging around here and get moving to over there!!!




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-18-2000).]

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