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Questions on smoke graphics etc...

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System specs:

AMD K62 450

64meg ram

Diamond Monster Fusion (16meg banshee)

17" monitor

Win 95

I don't seem to be getting the trasparent buildings. They are either invisible(like in the beta demo) or solid and I can't see or get to my troops inside.

My smoke options are none...compatible...or high quality

High quality isn't the trasparent smoke I've seen in the screenshots, it's the solid black oily smoke.(btw still blows away the beta smoke) same with the white smoke.

compatible is just the samke stuff only smaller.

What am I doing wrong or is it just my video card? Settings? I have the latest diamond drivers and I tried the 3dfx drivers but nothing worked then. Any suggestions?

I love the game but I'd like to play with all the goodies smile.gif

Thanks in advance!

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Yeah your card has a voodoo 2 type chipset, which from what i hear doesn't work too well with transparent FX smile.gif

Time to upgrade to a tnt2 biggrin.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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Thanks CCJ, I didn't know it is based on the Voodoo II chipset I thought Banshee was different enough to escape those problems. Oh well, so far the effects I'm missing out on are not that big of a deal but if the fog and weather effects are affected by this then I will have to look into another card, something I really DO NOT want to do.

Thanks again

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