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Results of 1.04 on 50cal effectiveness

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Cheers to Charles!

I have tested the same custom scenarios that had previously demonstrated the uncanny accuracy of the M2 under the 1.04 patch.

Results show that German HT are now a reasonable personnel transport vehicle at ranges >200m. If you run them any closer the 50s will rightly chew you up. Pumas and associated ACs have proportional resistance.

Once again: Thanks Charles!

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Just ran a test myself. 14 or 16 HMGs with 4 AAA guns USA vs. 12 assorted GE Halftracks and ACs. Open map, with 6 heavy large buildings with HMGs placed 2nd and first floor. Germans started at about 430ms I lost 4 open topped Halftracks at that range, did not see or here tracers but they got knocked out after maybe 3 turns, one by one. Rest of GE force closed to 200m and lost maybe 2 more vehicals. Rest of GE force closed to point blank range and really started to pour it on, lost 4 more at point blank range to HMGs concentrating fire on each in turn. But won a tatical victory, HMGs started giving up under heavy fire. The .50cal feels pretty realistic now. No complaints from me now on the .50 in 1.04. Thank you BTS, you guys rock.

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With 1.04, I finally had an AC get a kill and live through the battle. Last night my 234/? (with 20mm gun) dueled it out with a White Scout car over quite a bit of terrain (a great car chase scene, as my AC chased the White around for 2 turns before the White got bogged) and then the 20mm finally found its mark and chewed it up. What was very interesting to see was locking the view onto my AC from Camera 4, and watching it zig-zag as it chased the White and the white fired its .50 at it. Very cool to watch.

Just my $.02



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