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Panzertruppen, Kitty, and more DD Comparisons --->

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You probably got the mods (on CMHQ), but maybe you don't and want a comparison before making the step to install. Or maybe you just want to look at the differences between other mods. The following are ready...

1) I finally got around to looking at Panzertruppen's buildings and compare to original and Magua. Find it on...

Panzertruppen's Terrain Mods Page

2) Well, I've just gone and done it! A comparison page on Kitty's cute little hamster pictures. I couldn't help it. Take a look at them lined up against the original portraits. Find it on...

Miscellaneous Terrain Mods Page

3) And finally, DD gets a couple more comparison pages on his tree mod by looking at winter with no snow and the marsh/swamp.

DD's Terrain Mods Page



Garry Kump

Kump's CM Outpost

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Hi there Kump,

I must ditto the echoes of gratitude being expressed in this fine thread. I to immensely enjoy the truly educational comparisons at your magnificent site.

I wonder, since I and probably others often agree with your taste in mods, if you could have a continually updated list of the mods that you are currently using posted at your site. And maybe even links to the various mods (I know I am pushing it here redface.gif ).

Well anyway just an idea from a dedicated fan. If you find my english appalling and distasteful, please feel free to send me a setup..... wink.gif

Wholeheartedly thanks



[This message has been edited by HawkerT (edited 12-05-2000).]

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I've received several requests to list mods I'm using, but I hate to do it. I don't like to be presumptuous in thinking my choices are best. But most importantly, the mods keep rolling out and I keep changing my mind. The attempt to keep up with the mods is enough work. The comparison pages are to help you decide for yourself, a quick hint as to whether you would like the mod or not.

Since my site is a personal site paid from my own pocket, I'm afraid I give priority to those mods I like to use for myself. That should clue you in. Also, if it seems I'm doing back flips on the description of a mod, its probably not because I had too much to drink that day smile.gif

I think my entire site is the list you ask for, though it requires some maneuvering. A simpler list, an index to the site, is something I'm considering. Geez, there are over 90 pages already, and growing.


Garry Kump

Kump's CM Outpost

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 12-05-2000).]

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