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When i said that praetorians are the match of so and so, as in strength wise!!!

And that the Emperor Nero and from there on did use the Praetorians for battles, and thats not picking it out of my nose!


ALSO when you add a scenario from a website (custom made) does the actual scenario retain the information for the tanks or do you have to get the new tank and troops models??


~Veni Vidi Vici~

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PraetorianXXI:

When i said that praetorians are the match of so and so, as in strength wise!!!

And that the Emperor Nero and from there on did use the Praetorians for battles, and thats not picking it out of my nose!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I was impressed you even took the effort to remove it from your A$$.


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Well actually I am quite impressed by Mr PXXI. For all his silly statements he has demonstrated a hide of rhinocerous thickness. Considering the **** piled upon him in every thread he starts he just keeps on plugging away in the same inimitable fashion. hehe

Jon, just what the hell has PXXI's money got to do with his nose?


"Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon

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Steve closed the last thread where this topic had turned into something of a flamewar.

Do you have a problem with what the closing of a thread implicates?

If so, let me spell it out to you. It means:

Drop the f*cking subject!

If you wish to bring the subject up again, do two things.

1. Use email to discuss the topic in private with whomever disagrees with you. Resolve you differences, read each others references, etc, etc.

2. When you chose to post publically, refrain from using references to past flamewars, lest it all start anew. Let bygones be bygones.


As to your closing question,

skins and .bmp does not accompany the scenario itself. If you and I downloaded the same scenario, it would look different on our computers if we were using different mods.



Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

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I'm not going participate in flame wars. However, one point in PraetorianXXI's post arised my curiosity.

And that the Emperor Nero and from there on did use the Praetorians for battles, and thats not picking it out of my nose!

Could you please give a reference source for Nero using the Praetorian Guard in battle. I would be really interested in it. I have read (and own) both Tacitus and Suetonius (the two most important approximately contemporary sources of the period) and if I remember correctly, neither of them mentioned any campaigns where Nero pesonally participated. Actually, the only sizable campaign during Nero's reign was the First Jewish War, and only Eastern troops were used in it. There were also some border clashes in Germania and some disturbance in England.

As far as I know, the only time when Nero wanted to use Pratorians in battle was when Galba's revolutionary troops approached Rome. It didn't work out as the Praetorian Guard defected to Galba and Nero had first to flee and then commit suicide to avoid capture.

The Praetorian Guard was not of a great use for Galba, either. After he had reigned for a couple of months, Otho conspired with the Guard and had Galba assasinated. The killers were Praetorians.

The low point of Praetorians happened just after Commondus (of "Gladiator" fame) was strangled. The commander of the Guard took a part in that conspiracy and apparently by his initiative Pertinax was nominated as successor. However, Pertinax was too big a miser for the Praetorians so they murdered him. Next, they held an open auction on the emperor's title, promising to support the candidate that gave them most money. Julianus gave the highest offer and was nominated as an emperor. However, when news of this reached to the legions in the borders of the empire, _three_ armies revolted. When the first emperor candidate, Septimus Severus, approached Rome, the Praetorians were really quick to switch sides and abandoned the emperor that they had sworn to protect. After killing Pertinax, Septimus Severus disgraced the Praetorian Standards because of their actions.

- Tommi

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Eh im over going through my history lessons with you ppl who find resources on the net which are entirely incorrect, goto a library once in a while!

Im over responding to ppl who like having a a go @ me so im out! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

(i think i'll go make my web page to pass the time) mad.giffrown.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif


~Veni Vidi Vici~

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PraetorianXXI:

Eh im over going through my history lessons with you ppl who find resources on the net which are entirely incorrect, goto a library once in a while!


That is the first time I hear that Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio published their works on the internet. Quite advanced those Romans. You learn something new every day.

Thanks for digging that out Tommi, my copies of the aforementioned authors are buried in my parents' cellar.

Moral of the story is, to get something productive from this thread before Steve locks it up, this is a community of people who mostly either know their stuff or are willing to learn and engage with each other to learn some more. If you make wild claims, you better be able to back them up with reading and multiple sources. It is amazing what you can learn from a book. If you can not do so, expect a reaction that is proportionate to your tone in the original post. Showing some respect to others might be an old-fashioned virtue, but a virtue it is IMO. And respect is something that has to be earned, and is easily lost.

Therefore, think before you post and ask yourself if it is really necessary or relevant or interesting or amusing enough to warrant posting. Many threads here are basically just rehashing stuff that was asked X times before, sometimes on the same page. I find this the most interesting board on the web, but the signal-to-noise ratio certainly has gone downhill recently. And always remember, the search function is there for a reason. At least give it a try. And yes, many people consider me arrogant.



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Arrogant Andreas? No, better informed than most perhaps and not shy about sharing that information. But even in our game (in which you are trouncing me in fine fashion) I've found you to be quite reasonable and even good humored.

PXXI, saying that something is so doesn't make it so. As you have discovered and as I warned you before, these people know what they're talking about. The authors quoted were, since you seem unaware of the meaning of the word "contemporary", living at or near the time of the incidents in question. They wrote books about it ... in Latin ... which we were fortunate enough to retain.

You can choose any name you like within reason, we don't care. But when you make wild and unsubtantiated statements which are patently false you must expect to be called to task to defend those statements. You do not have a free ride on this board.

Your enthusiasm for CM does you credit and we are more than happy to welcome you to the board and allow you your say. BUT ... be accurate, be factual and be prepared to defend your statements. I have been reading about WW2 all my life (50 years so far) and consider that I know more than the average bear. But when it comes to the merits of the various Ausf. of the MkIV I take a warm glass of SHUT THE HELL UP! Because I don't know what these guys know and I don't have the references to back it up. If I have an OPINION, I will clearly label as such and then be prepared to take it back if I'm proven wrong ... which happens with depressing frequency.

So, chill out, calm down and go with the flow. Because when you make wildly inaccurate statements it gets everyone's blood boiling. This isn't the group for it.


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Guest Mirage2k

Also PraetorianXXI, remember that most of the people here have been here for a VERY long time, and the fact that you come in touting your (mostly false) knowledge is irritating. If you complain about being treated unfairly, deal with it, try to express remorse in a clear, readable, spell-and-grammer-checked way, or just leave. Posting opinion and labeling it as fact will get you nowhere. If someone comes up with contrary information from multiple respected sources (as in the Praetorian question), then they are probably right.

Just a repeat of what everyone has been saying this entire time.

Steve/Charles, please close this one up and maybe Praetorian will figure out the advantages of "strategic withdrawal."



Throw me a frickin' smiley people!

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Guest Mirage2k

Also, Praetorian...if you insist on continuing an argument that Steve obviously felt had no place on this board, then take it off and use email to continue your flame war. If you're polite, and come with relevent information, Andreas (a.k.a. Germanboy) just might take the time to read your message.



Throw me a frickin' smiley people!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss:

Actually, the only sizable campaign during Nero's reign was the First Jewish War, and only Eastern troops were used in it. There were also some border clashes in Germania and some disturbance in England. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There was also a war with Parthia over Armenia. Corbulo ended it to Rome's advantage through a masterly combination of force and diplomacy. Nero later invited him to commit suicide for his efforts. In general, Nero detested soldiers, especially any who could rise above general mediocrity, as he found them a challenge to his position as Emperor.


The low point of Praetorians happened just after Commondus (of "Gladiator" fame) was strangled. The commander of the Guard took a part in that conspiracy and apparently by his initiative Pertinax was nominated as successor. However, Pertinax was too big a miser for the Praetorians so they murdered him.


Gibbon says that it was not just Pertinax's miserliness that affronted the Praetorians, but his intenttion o restore Republican virtues and discipline: something for which the Praetorians by then had little taste.

PXXI, you could do worse than to read Gibbon's "Decline and Fall" -- all three volumes, as the movie version doesn't do it justice even despite having Alec Guinness, James Mason and Sophia Loren. By the end you would find yourself with a greatly enhanced knowledge of Roman history and culture, not to mention insensibly improved in your command of the English language. It has the added advantage of being extremely long.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Big Time Software

As Sten and others have pointed out, I rarely close up threads. So if I do so, use an ounce of common sense to think that I did it for a reason. I do not expect to see this bullcrap started up again or I am just going to start banning people. I have neither the time nor the desire to put up with problems that can't be solved by a padlock on a thread.


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