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OOB List

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Being new to this discussion group,i was not in on the thread about why there is no OOB status list.I have heard that BTS thinks it gamey.I dont agree.One could agrue that being able to have unit bases or being able to blowup the graphic sizes of units is gamey,IMHO.It's not a showstopper for me.The game is great,as is.On NG's some have said that BTS is "dead set against this".Why?

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I agree completely. At the very least it's hard to see why you can't have a detailed breakdown of your own OOB. There's no limitation actually imposed - you just have to do more work to find the units. And it sure would be handy to not have to look so hard to quantify known enemy units. The "real" fog of war is great, but why make it harder to identify/locate units that you can easily see just by clearing the trees?

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I and some others are in total agreement with you. For example, take a look at some of the huge scenarios included in the game and it's a real pita to get an idea of what your force actually consists of and where everybody is when you're just starting it.

I'd like to see the RH pane of the 'buy' screen (from quick battle or scenario builder) available in-game as a hot key that would allow you to jump to the view point of a unit when you click on it.

Actually, I'm just prevaricating. This particular topic has been done to death in the past, so do some searches. BTS has said that they will think about including such an organizational feature in CM2, but it will not be made available in CM1. Search!


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Thanks for the info. I actually did a search on OOB, but couldn't really find the thread. Didn't make much effort at it though. I realize that's a problem with long standing lists - rehash after rehash. But at least it gives us newbies something to talk about. : ) Hopefully they'll build the OOB stuff into the next game - certainly doesn't detract from the most addictive title I've seen in years though. Woo hoo.

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This topic was discussed A LOT right after the beta came out as many of us were getting used to the game. Sorry, I don't have any links handy.

I think us old-timers who remember those earlier threads are more than happy to let you newbies discuss it.

I don't have the full game (yet) but in the demo scenarios I divided all my guys up into piles so I could keep track of them before I place them.


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<I don't have the full game (yet) but in the demo scenarios I divided all my guys up into piles so I could keep track of them before I place them. >

Yup, me too. That's a good, if unwieldy solution to the Quick Battle, but some of the premade scenarios have units scattered everywhere, and already padlocked in place...


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Guest Michael emrys

You might find a partial solution to some of your problems by using the + and - keys. I've recently gotten into the habit of running through my list of units that way at the end of each Orders Phase just to make sure I haven't forgotten any. Amazing how often I have.


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