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Not-So-Superbowl Round 2


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I just wanted to start a new subject title that's easier for the eye to catch.


How's life in the midlands. Cold enough out there for ya?

I just switched over to the much lauded Cablevision DSL service. Well, I went to enroll for email and the server's down for new enrollments, has been for almost a week and they say it probably won't be fixed until the end of this week (if you can believe anything they say) mad.gif. I've taken the week off so I have no way of emailing anybody. Someday, when the server is fixed I'll send you the setup.

Peter Zima and I are on about our 20th email. He's the German's. It's dawn and snowing like crazy. Movement off road is very precarious and prone to bog so the fight is centering around a cross road in the middle of the map. It's not where the large flag is but once I'm secure here I can turn to my left and hopefully roll up his line. I feel I'm getting the upper hand having knocked out 3 of his assault guns and still have all my armor. He took to knocking down houses I was in, and blacked the eye of the infantry inside I might add, but as soon as one fell it gave me a clear line of sight to his tank and I took them out with one or two shots. His main line of resistance was in a line of houses just past the crossroads but now it's my turn to start knocking down doors. This caused his left to either route or move in retreat (I wish I knew which). With that I'm moving forward on my right turning his left. I have to sweep for schrecks on that flank before I can move forward with my armor. It's not over yet and I'm sure he has a surprise or two left up his sleeve. He has 1500 pts of stuff and I haven't seen it all yet.

Pvt. Pike and I are on about our 17th email. It's pretty much the same deal only the crossroads in the middle of the map is where the major flag is. The lead is flying thick and heavy. There's no way this is going to last 30 turns. Men are dropping left and right. We're only about 60 meters from each other.

He's from England so as I guessed he's playing with the British. He brought up a Firefly (?) and I took that out. So far that's the only armor I've seen. I'm waiting for the Cromwells and Churchill's to show up next. I'm wondering to if he has any of those flame shootin' Croc's about. I've never seen one but I bet they burn nicely. smile.gif

So far, dare I say it, things are going well for me and I think I'm doing Group E proud.

Oh and Peter is from Australia and Pike is from England so I think we should have called this the Not-So-Olympics.

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Just thought I would add an update, Peter and I are still at the initial sparing stage but the game with Ted is getting bloodier by the turn. After the initial dispondancy of losing a Firefly to one of his 2 Tigers and 1 Panther, I calmed down a bit when I found the Tigers were only P4s (got to love this game). Well those 2 are now burning hulks for the cost of one more Sherman and I had some brief fun with a Wasp that (against orders) charged the centre of his line, flaming away (must have been from a Cavalry regt). He didn't last long but hopefully he did quite a lot of damage.

I feel the next few turns might decide this game.

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