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Last Defense (OK, I suck, someone help me plz)

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I have been playing Last Defense as allies against a couple of players, PBEM, and I am having trouble staying alive. No problem against AI, I only get whooped against human players (like Gunnerdream).

Forming a line of defense in the first buildings is suicide. And I find retreating to the buildings beside river just prolongs the inevitable, and when my reinforcements finally show up, the tanks are sitting ducks on top of the hill. I can't seem to get a good shot at the Panzer heavies with my zooks either.

Does anybody have any good hints for this one?


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Guest John Maragoudakis

If you place your troops back near the river, have all your squads pop out just before your reinforcements arrive,(like the turn before). Your opponent might target your infantry. You infantry might button up the German tanks.Point is, open all out with infantry at the moment the hellcats show up.

With all the distraction you could get the jump on his tanks. After that mop up.

Good luck Commander.

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Ok, based on the game we are playing:

You really needed a central reserve. At the beginning, you had no idea where the focus of my attack was going to be. By the time you found out you couldn't shift units to counter... not that I'm giving you a lot of time for shifting smile.gif The two forward VP are not defendable.... don't bother (its ok to try ambushes from those locations, but the Americans do not have enough troops in that scenario to hold everything. Hope that helps... just not in the current game smile.gif



Dan Brown


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Guest Gunnerdream


We should switch sides after this game. I've played LD three times PBEM against my brother, all three times as the Allies, and all three times had a "Big ole' can a' whoopass"(his words) opened on me! So I can assure you it has nothing to do with my skills as a player, or for that matter, yours. I think you are a fine opponent and I look forward to many more games against you. IMHO, the scenario in Question is slightly skewed in favor of the Germans and is also unbalanced by the fact that everybody here has played it a gazillion times and pretty much knows what to expect. Until(SHAMELESS BEGGING AND PLEADING FOLLOWS) a new scenario or the actual game is released we will all have to make do with what we have.

DON'T sell yourself short. Anybody who has invested as much time and money in games like ASL and the CC series as I know you have from reading some of your other posts knows what they're doing. I for one certainly don't think you suck and look forward to many more games with you.

Gunnerdream, floating down through the clouds....

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Something else I should point out. The last defence scenario is a defender's hell. If you play the Americans against an agresive German player, you will be scambling to hold out for your reinforcements. There really isn't any way around that. You've thrown me a couple of nasty surprizes and your doing a whole hell of a lot better than the American player in another game I'm playing... hey bauhaus, you paying attention? smile.gif His reinforcements have arrived... and that's all he's got smile.gif

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Guest Captain Foobar

Hey hundminen, I found this on the gamers.net

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Quick Tactics!!! Enemy attacks involve a plan. A plan involves co-ordination. If you can wreck the co-ordination you are half-way to unraveling the enemy plan. Artillery is a wonderful pinning weapon. Use it to pin a flanking platoon for 2 or 3 minutes and you will either force the enemy to halt his drive momentarily to maintain co-ordination. Re-deployment time is like gold to a defender OR the enemy will attack piecemeal which is also good for you....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Might help next time you play, but not necessarily for a small level like Last Defense, when everyone knows their way around so easily.

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Guys (especially Berlichtingen and Gunnerdream):

Thanks so much for the hints and even more so for the encouragement.

Since this is the only PBEM scenario I've played, I feel much better now.

Just watched SPR on video (Xmas gift) with the Mrs. ("where's Matt Damon?") tonight, and I just realized how much this scenario resembles the final bridge defense in the movie. God, what a great film!

BTS - Is there gonna be any "sticky bombs" or P51 tank busters in the gold version? I could sure use a whole bunch right now!


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Sticky Bombs and P-51s

They are both in the beta versions I am testing now and have been in for a while. Abstracted as aircraft with bombs [you never see the aircraft, but have seen the tracers coming down from the sky, and have a great picture of what a 500 lb bomb does to an 88.] The sticky bombs are abstracted in close assault, which the graphic is a hand grenade. Finally, wait to see another scenario. smile.gif

Tim Orosz, Raider

Combat Mission Raider Team

Wild Bill's Raiders

The Gamers Net: http://www.thegamers.net

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I would suggest some of the "Quick Tactics" going up on CMHQ. I've written them all and while simple they are useful.

Also, check out the AARs at CMHQ. By watching what others did you might pick up tips.

There's an AAR there of a game in which I was the US and hurt the Germans very badly in the first few turns.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Something else I should point out. The last defence scenario is a defender's hell. If you play the Americans against an agresive German player, you will be scambling to hold out for your reinforcements. There really isn't any way around that. You've thrown me a couple of nasty surprizes and your doing a whole hell of a lot better than the American player in another game I'm playing... hey bauhaus, you paying attention? His reinforcements have arrived... and that's all he's got


sorry, just awoke from my slumber. Can you say butt kicking.......let's just say I'm getting murdered and somebody is dancing on my grave...over and over and over again. I'm currently working on a new book....101 uses for a knocked out hellcat. It's amazing to see all those German flags in this scenario. They actually out number the troops I have left.

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The key to this scenario is to either play a very smart game and hold all your infantry back and wipe out the German infantry in a cityfight meatgrinder (where the US numerical superiority gives them a decisive advantage)


to out-aggress the German player. Ram infantry squads and zooks down his throat. make him vomit blood before he even reaches the staging areas for the rush into the town.

Choosing a middle option (defending anywhere outside of the town or aggressively counter-attacking at the outskirts of the town) will only get your forces anihilated.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I checked out your AAR for LD (Lee), and I must say that I am mightily impressed by your forward ambush deployment.

However, I wonder if Lady Luck was a little on your side, allowing you to get all your Hellcats off the hill alive, especially with that Tiger loitering about on the left. I played this one a few times, and have always had at least 1, usually 2 Hellcats brew up on the first move. Also, I cannot figure why that Tiger turned to expose his side armor to your Hellcat either.

A side note - your AAR's are excellent and entertaining. Good job.

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Guest John Maragoudakis


to out-aggress the German player. Ram infantry squads and zooks down his throat. make him vomit blood before he even reaches the staging areas for the rush into the town.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I aggree that those are the general 2 options. The aggressive attack and ambush route for the US is riskier. If it fails, your ambushing troops will be cut off from your US troops in town. Your front troops might even have to retreat across open ground and under fire. The safe play is to pull all troops back into town. Drop mortar fire on the German vehicles to avoid them positioning and pounding your buildings. Another danger in sending troops out front is that they can be bypassed and thus an important force will be separated from the rest. The safest bet is to hide your troops. One turn before the hellcats show up, everyone gets up and gives hell. Then, the next turn, the hellcats join in.

Remember, you want the most explosive power in the smallest period of time. All troops should ideally fire at once.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 12-29-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

One of our testers did the Ultra Ambush strategy when we were playing Riesberg internally. He litterly anhilated the US forces. His reaction was, "this was too easy". I told him it was luck and skill, he told me it was skill and luck. I told him to replay, he told me he did and had to surrender half way through smile.gif

Point is that if you are a good commander (and this guy certainly is from what I can tell) *AND* luck is on your side, you can do some amazing things. And mind you, realistic things. HOWEVER... if you make even the slightest mistake and/or have bad luck, the damage will most likely be more than can be made good on. Standard risk:payoff ratio. The bigger the risk, the greater the potential payoff or the greater the potential destruction.


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Speaking of luck, Hundminen failed to mention my little smoke barrage. Two batteries (both so drunk on schnapps that they couldn't see straight) managed to cover the entire battlefield in smoke. It has completely hindered my attack, and things are starting to swing his way smile.gif



Dan Brown


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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... well, after the demo went out we found the guy responsible for handing out the Schnaps in quantities contrary to regulations. He was dealt with very harshly and you should expect more sober shooting in the full version smile.gif


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