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A small request for CM2: scenarios by date

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A little thing that I would like to see in CM2 is the capability to assign a date to each scenario and then to be able to sort them chronologically in the scenario list (like you can do in East/West Front, by Talonsoft). This may seem a slight oversight, but I actually enjoy to play scenarios chronologically, because you are able to follow the evolution of armies, vehicles, tactics etc. For example, I played all the scenarios of the original EF in chronological order (they where about 50 or so) and at the end I really had the impression of a "sweeping" history course about the eastern front.

Further, with CM2 covering the 41-45 span, it would be easier for the player to choose at a glance a scenario from the favourite war period (instead of blinding guessing from the title).


Vincenzo Beretta

Milan, Italy

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You're not alone. I'd like to see this too.

I can't look at the game at the moment so I may be wrong here, but it seems to me that even though you can specify the month within the editor, nothing about the date appears on the list of scenarios. It would be handy to quickly grab a scenario from a chronologically ordered list, or, yes, play each by their date. What about attaching a 'day' variable to the scenario date as well?

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I was actually quite surprised that the scenarios were listed in alphabetical order and not by date. I think it just reflects how they were done - various people went off and did different scenarios, some historical, some fictional, so you couldn't organise them all perfectly. I'm not under the impression (although I could be wrong) that they actually started off with a plan of what battles were going to be included.

I think the main feature of this game is actually the engine itself - the scenarios are as much to show off the engine as they are to represent the Allied invasion of Europe. That's why the editor is an integral part of the game - because the people most interested in Combat Mission's revolutionary engine will be veteran wargame enthusiasts (no shortage of those here!), and will want to make their own scenarios as much as they want to play those provided.


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Maybe a grognard out there could organize a chronological list of the current (non-fiction) scenarios included with CM for all of us Newbies?

Could be posted on CMHQ?

Just a thought,



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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