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Ground Conditions

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When playing a QB, how does one know what the ground conditions are? For instance, if the option is set to rain, how do you know if the conditions are wet, mud, or deep mud? These information is crucial in one's planning, especially with tanks. Please tell me there's a way of finding out.


Everything in moderation...except CM.

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Randomizing the weather won't solve the problem. Whether I select "rain" or the computer selects it, I am still in doubt as to how wet the ground is or how muddy it is.

I think it's important to know this since you might not want to buy a heavy tank if you have wet ground, deep mud, or deep snow. And it's perfectly realistic because your men would know what the weather is like and how much it's rained along with seeing the conditions with their own eyes.


Everything in moderation...except CM.

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Yep, many German units would turn in their King Tigers and draw Lynx tanks when the rain started pouring.

Oberst Stendling saluts his commander, "Herr general, der boden ist wie weiche Scheiße! Mein König Tiger wird bis zu seiner Kuppel in ihr gehaftet! Was tue ich?"

General Kammier looks about the staging area. "Dieses kublewagon scheint gut. Es ist nicht im Schlamm gleichmäßig! "

Oberst Stendling waves his arms and exclaims, "Es sitzt auf meinem Jagdtiger meinen General!"

The General looks thoughtful, then grows a big smile. "Ich verstehe. Verlassen Sie die Tiger. Jeder erhalten im H.39s-Zubehör sendete uns als Witz! "

The Colonel starts to get excited, "Wir haben Mein Herr, einiger Truppentransporter Bren!"

Suddenly, a messenger comes running in. "Heil Hitler, General Patton möchte einen drei Monat Waffenstillstand nennen meinen General. Er möchte nicht mit nur Truppentransporter T8 kämpfen. Der Schlamm hat ihn überzeugt zu stoppen!"

The General gets up and stomps about the room. "Nr.! Wir kämpfen! Senden Sie für meine Schlammschuhe! Auf nach Washington!!! "

[This message has been edited by Slapdragon (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Slapdragon, I showed your post to my Brazilian friend Carlos. He's a multi-lingual type guy and I asked him if he understood German, or whether, he felt it your using it was a wee bit pretentious. Or am I just being unfair.

Anyway, he smiled, kind of cocked his head and- with a twinkle in his eye- said:

'Diga os tanques para atear fogo nos edifícios. Nós apressá-los-emos para dentro como sem-fins. Entregue-me o preservativo, mim querem fazer o amor. '

You can imagine, we got a good laugh out of that one!

Diga os tanques para atear fogo nos edifícios. Nós apressá-los-emos para dentro como sem-fins. Entregue-me o preservativo, mim querem fazer o amor!

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Hell with Babelfish -- I used "Advanced Conversational German Ninth Edition". I do not have the language at all!!!! However, I was forced to just guess on some of the stuff. Fördermaschinen is "machine that carries or lifts", I have no idea how to say personnel carrier!!

Eu compreendo o português, minha esposa sou de Brasil! Good thing you did not say that in English smile.gif

So I am not pretentious: here is little scene as I wrote it in English (note to translator: it does not work 1-1, I had to fudge a lot of stuff!):


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Oberst Stendling saluts his commander, "My General, the ground is like soft poop. My King Tiger is stuck up to its turret top!

General Kammier looks about the staging area. "That Kublewagon seems ok, it is not stuck in the mud at all."

Oberst Stendling waves his arms and exclaims, "That is because it is sitting on my Jagdtiger my General!"

The General looks thoughtful, then grows a big smile. "I know what we will do, get rid of the Tigers, bring up those H.39s command sent us as a joke!"

The Colonel starts to get excited, "Yes, that is great, and we have a few captured Bren Carrier too!!"

Suddenly, a messenger comes running in. "Heil Hitler, General Patton wants to call a three month cease fire. He does not like idea of only figting in T-8 APCs.

The General gets up and stomps about the room. "No! We will fight. Throw me my mud shoes. On to Washington!!!"

[This message has been edited by Slapdragon (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Guest Warphead-

Slapdragon, very good if you just made it up! wink.gif

Maybe "Truppentransporter" (troop transport) or "Mannschaftstransportwagen" (MTW) are good translations for personnel carrier.

(And yes! There are longer words than Nahverteidigungswaffe in German! wink.gif )

[This message has been edited by Warphead- (edited 09-22-2000).]

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I tried fördermaschinen because my book says (p.89) "German speakers are usually tolerant of 'made-up' composite words. If you do not know the proper word, combine two that you do know. You will usually be politely corrected if the word is in error, and you will often get it right the first time."

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

I asked my Bi-ligual staff to translate in Chinese and he said...........oh, nevermind.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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Guest Warphead-

"fördern" is to bring something up from below, like coal or ore.

Maybe the government grows its employees in subterrainean farms and needs "Personalfördermaschinen" to harvest them? But why are they armored??? smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Warphead- (edited 09-22-2000).]

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I think it's important to know this since you might not want to buy a heavy tank if you have wet ground, deep mud, or deep snow. And it's perfectly realistic because your men would know what the weather is like and how much it's rained along with seeing the conditions with their own eyes.


Yes your men would know how much it rained and have a good idea of how wet the ground was. They would also know that they might have a few difficulties if they do not stay to the road network or are not careful with the use and deployment of their equipment. They may even know that the motor pool will not issue replacement equipment for them every time the weather changes. smile.gif

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While we're on this language theme I thought I'd bring up an ongoing rap about CM I've been having with my e-mail pal, Vitaly, a systems analyst in Krasnoyarsk.

Vitaly, though his English is rudimentary, is a pretty sharp guy and we'd been discussing the spotting anomaly brought up in another thread. As everyone knows by now the problem is: the Allied player sends these Jeeps with MGs zipping around the German rear and they pick up all kinds of info, and they're cheap, and go so fast you can't kill them, etc, etc. Bottom line; it's damned unrealistic.

Now Vitaly can't afford the full version on his salary, so he downloads the demo. As I was saying, we're talking digital wizard here. A half-hour later he comes up with this:

Ïî÷åìó - Âû, ñïðàøèâàÿ ìåíÿ òàêèå òðèâèàëüíûå âîïðîñû. Ïîæàëóéñòà, èñïîëüçóéòå âàøå âðåìÿ çàñëóæèâàþùèì âíèìàíèÿ ñïîñîáîì. Äà, ÿ äîëæåí âîçâðàòèòü êîëõîçó áåñïëàòíî çóáíóþ ðàáîòó. Ïðîêëÿòûé, ÿ íå ìîãó íàõîäèòü áóòûëêó âîäêè. Äà, îïàñíî ëåòåòü Àýðîôëîò. Íî ñ òåõ ïîð Ëóäìèëëà îñòàâèë ìåíÿ, ÿ íå çàáî÷óñü, æèâó ëè ÿ. ß òåïåðü áóäó èãðàòü íà ãðóñòíîé ïåñíå íà áàëàëàèêà. Ýòî ìîæåò áûòü àë÷îëîë, íî ÿ - áåããèííèíã, ÷òîáû íàéòè Âàñ î÷åíü ïðèâëåêàòåëüíûìè. Äà, ÿ íåóêëþæèé.

I was stunned, the solution was so obvious! And Steve and Charles will be gratified to learn that no additional programming will be required!

N.B. I would recommend enabling Cyrillic in Windows to read the quoted text but the members of this board being so erudite that's probably not 'de rigueur'.

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The page header lacking a langauge MIME type defaults to the browser setting, and you probably have it set to Western encoding. You can reset your browser to one of the cyrillic encodings and if you have the font (which you do if you can see it in the text window) it will recode as Cyrillic and all the English will get screwed up. It is hard to encode two different types of scripts on one page since you rely on header information for force the browser into a new character set. I use frames sometimes with French to retain the accent marks on viewers who use PCs - or type in Gifs.

[This message has been edited by Slapdragon (edited 09-22-2000).]

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