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PC and/or Mac versions on final cd?

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I was just wondering if on the final cd- will the mac and pc versions be on the same cd or on dif? I spend pretty much equal time on both systems and would like to be able to play CM on both (pc at home, mac at work) with only buying one copy... I know some companies have put both versions on the same cd in the past (close combat 2). Just curious if I have to pick one over the other.

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Guest Madmatt

No, in the pre-order page you have to select the version you want.

Really guys, would it have been all that hard to click the link over to the left and look for yourselves?!? wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Yeah Madmatt I saw the selection buttons before I posted... I know things are always changing in the software biz and that form was made a while ago. I work at software company and I think if there is space for both versions, we usually cram them on the same cd. I think it's a lot easier/cheaper than trying to stock both versions on 2 dif cd's... I was just taking a bordem break from the "terribly exciting" rc racing game i'm working on and thought i'd ask. smile.gif

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