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Private Military Companies the Answer!

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"Free Lancing" was a common occupation among military men for thousands of years. It's only gone out of fashion in the last hundred years or so due to industrialization and the rise in standing national armies.

With the decline in military preparedness, what would be wrong in hiring an "outside contractor" to get the job done if he had the skills and the tools to accomplish the mission?

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I think this is a facinating article.

The author, David Isenberg, highlights the very good point that these "Private Military Companies" are better trained, more experienced, and more motivated than the "real" armies of many countries.

I think he does not give enough thought to the fact that these PCM's are obviously made of highly organized and motivated men & women of action. And people of action don't like to sit still. So, while a PCM might be a very effective attacking force, they would probably not be as interested in jobs involving defense. Or peace keeping, as the author suggested.

Nevetheless, we shouldn't ever forget that the people in our militaries are - first priority - trained, professional killers. We need them because we never know when we may call upon them to protect us from some other country's trained, professional killers. The idea of hired guns (or spears, or swords, or muskets ...) has been around for thousands of years. I don't think this article is too far-fetched.




Ontario, Canada

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