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Thoughts on US Combined Arms spending limits

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By chance, I've been playing a lot of US forces in recent combined-arms QB PBEMs, and I'm consistantly running up against a small annoyance: the spending limit for "support" forces. A regular US rifle company costs 562 points, of which 408 are "infantry" and 154 are "support." This means that even with a 2000-point force (which allows 900 pts of infantry and 292 of support), you can't buy more than one US rifle company. German infantry formations at company level don't include support weapons, so I often find myself with one rifle company (sometimes with an additional attached platoon) opposing 2+ enemy companies, with mix-and-match MG42s. I notice that the US has a slightly higher allowance for support than the Germans (292 vs. 270, in a 2000-pt force) but I wonder if the support allowance shouldn't be a bit higher for the US? To achieve parity in maneuver elements, currently the US would need to buy 3 extra platoons, for a total of 6 platoons subordinate to a company HQ. This seems a little off to me.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Not all german companies come without support weapons. But yes,

I also keep bumping against the limits.

I'd like to repropose the no-limits option in addition to combined.


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

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Guest Michael emrys

Or you can do what I do, which is to increase the points available via the play-balance option and not spend the maximum in every category, but only enough to get a reasonably historical force mix.


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