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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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This is another promising-looking mission.  I love the big maps that DW uses: about 2000m x 1000m.   :)    The Brits occupy a base in force plus support.  A Brit detachment is helping the local police man a checkpoint a few hundred meters away.  And on the other side of the map over a Km away, a recon squadron of Jackals is making its way back to the base. 

However, a large force of Taliban has infiltrated surrounding buildings and what appears to be a massive Taliban attack is about to take place.  It must be massive cos the Brits have two companies plus a lot of their assorted Automatic Grenade Throwers plus 12.5mm and 7.62mm MG's all mounted on the ubiquitous WMIK's.   The Javelins make an appearance here with no less than 6 full teams (that can be divided into 12x2-man teams)!  There are also many dismounted vehicles packed with ammo (including more Javelins) parked all over the base.  If that wasn't enuff, their are fixed wing and rotor aircraft on call, plus 2 batteries of 105mm and two of 81mm + lots of FO's and air controllers.

Am not a big fan of defensive missions as the AI is usually weak on the attack.  However, have seen some designers have managed to make decent AI attacks work without resorting to mass medieval/early east front Soviet style assaults.  So, either the Taliban get massacred or this could be a "Custer's Last Stand" situation... 

As it is presumably a surprise attack, I will not make any adjustments to the designer set-up (even tho' it is possible).  One can immediately see that one big challenge will be figuring out how to resupply the Brit units from the numerous vehicles.  Most do not have drivers.  So, will have to either run small teams to the vehicles to drive em where needed, or combat teams will have to run to the vehicles to ACQUIRE.  We will see if Taliban arty appears and if that either destroys vehicles, or makes it lethal for troops to reach them.

It will also be interesting to see if it's possible to hold the police checkpoint or if it's necessary/possible to withdraw to the main base.  The recon squadron is yet another aspect that may be fun.  Am assuming they will get ambushed along the way back to base.

Need to catch up on some R&R now before the big attack...



Edited by Erwin
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************  SPOILERS  *************


First couple of turns (WEGO - ELITE)

As somewhat expected the Taliban assault starts with an arty barrage - killing a couple WMIK's and some inf that were on roofs.  A couple FO's are the worst loss.  Brits attempt to use Javelins to fire back at observed Taliban on roofs.   But giving the Jav teams 45 sec pauses doesn't seem to be enuff time to fire, and they run down to the next floor to join the cowering inf.

At the police roadblock, a recoilless opens up at the end of the road and KO's a WMIK and then a 2nd one.  I didn't realize the 2nd one could only move very slow as its wheels were severely damaged.  Would have been best to have the crew bail out with the vehicle's weapon.  The Taliban are in nearby buildings and also shot a few cops and Brits.  The surviving vehicles get out of LOS of the recoilless and are retreating towards the main base while firing at the Taliban.  At present, it is unclear if the Brits and cops should attempt to withdraw to the main base or tough it out.

The returning recon patrol are unharmed by an ambush a couple hundred meters down their road.  They are massing fire on the ambush trench.  Hopefully an FO at the main base can get LOS and call down an airstrike, or HE - depending on which is faster.


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