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Help! Problems with game!

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Hi, I've had this wonderful game now for over a year and a half, and it has always worked perfectly...until now. It worked fine after I got my new graphics card, and since then the only new thing I have done to the computer is reformat it. I re-installed the graphics card drivers after doing this. Well, here's what's happening;

I install the game, per usual, however when I try to run it it flickers to a black screen and then back to my desktop with no error message. After it does this, everytime I try to minimize a window or right click on my desktop, I get a whole bunch of colours appearing on where I right clicked/minimized. Help, please, if you can.


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I'm not a computer equipment grog, but my own experience has been that in fact the latest drivers for your equipment and the latest version of Direct X are not always a good thing when dealing with CMBO.

I can't quote chapter and verse on this, but I know that there are many newer drivers for my aging NVidia card, but that none of them work quite as well as the one I am using. The best people to ask about this kind of thing would be Schrullenhaft or Madmatt (because they are intimately aware of what really works with CMBO).

After Bill Gates & Co. bullied me into getting Direct X 9 I started having all sorts of problems with CMBO. It was even not working for a while. Eventually I got everything sorted out, but I can tell you from painful experience that many of the newest drivers are aimed at the newer games and can cause conflicts that interfere with the older ones, and some of these conflicts are maddeningly difficult to identify and resolve. And they differ from machine to machine, driver to driver, game to game.

So my advice is to avoid blanket general advice. Tell Madmatt and Schrully what you've got and what game you're having problems with, and they should be able to set you straight.

And yes, you need to do that in the Technical Forum.

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