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Suggestion for BTS

Guest kking199

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Guest kking199

I love the game and I am sure this has been said before but wanted to post it for BTS's viewing. After playing 8 scenarios I have but one suggestion. It would be nice if the "Scenario and Command Briefings" for the scenarios were consistent in format. I REALLY like having the units available listed in the briefings, for no other reason than to play a fight I am in the mood for, Combined arms, Armor, Infantry. Sometimes they are and sometimes they are not. It may be me, but sometimes the Scenario briefings give too much info away... so it influences my strategy for an unfair advantage for me. I guess this really pertains to the "Historical" scenarios. I know I have read the suggestion about some type of way to have a pop up of all units on field, and "click to jump to unit" function. But I will make it again.

On the positive side...

The Sound effects are great, I personally love the ambient sounds, especially the wind in the snow scenarios. I also love sitting in the middle of a large Arty attack, can't imagine what this was like in real life!

Mouse commands are intuitive and logical.

AI is good, defensive AL is excellent.


Outstanding amount of units available.

It is obvious that alot of TLC has gone into this game. Thank's BTS for having the courage to "Polish" this game, it is obvious and it goes without saying you are being rewarded for this decision... Cha-ching!!


Hip-Hip Hurray!

Hip-Hip Hurray!!

Hip-Hip Hurray!!!

Stay True to Yourself!

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kking199:

It would be nice if the "Scenario and Command Briefings" for the scenarios were consistent in format. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi ya - I think you have run into the fact that the scenarios on the disk were actually made by a number of different people. You've got a point, but I think it would be different to enforce, and maybe not even desirable. It is just an expression of the designers' individualism (a bit like a snake leather jacket...)



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

(a bit like a snake leather jacket...)


That jacket must look smashing with your Krokus tank top and ripped acid-wash jeans.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chubbachops:

Pointless waffle proving he did not get the reference<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Guess you are just too young. Next time we go for a drink I have to get you some milk...



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kking199:

It would be nice if the "Scenario and Command Briefings" for the scenarios were consistent in format. Sometimes they are and sometimes they are not. It may be me, but sometimes the Scenario briefings give too much info away... so it influences my strategy for an unfair advantage for me. I guess this really pertains to the "Historical" scenarios<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Snipped a bit there... Like Germanboy was saying, the scenarios were done by different people. Some give a lot of detail, some minimal and some give misleading info. Personally, I like that aspect. Throws another wrench in the gears not knowing if you can trust the breifing.

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Guest kking199

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darwin:

Snipped a bit there... Like Germanboy was saying, the scenarios were done by different people. Some give a lot of detail, some minimal and some give misleading info. Personally, I like that aspect. Throws another wrench in the gears not knowing if you can trust the breifing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I concede I am probably just being anal about it. What I really want is a cleaner interface for the briefings and to always have units listed. Is that asking too much?!?!

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