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More on ambushes ... shrecks' behaviour?


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I had set up a perfect ambush (in my opinion anyway smile.gif). I had an Elite Panzershreck on top of a cliff in woods, hidden from the view of advancing enemy troops. Sure enough, my PBEM opponent ran his infantry passed the shreck never seeing it. But what does my shreck do? He starts shooting the infantry!!

If he'd waited, a juicy green Jumbo would've come along in ten seconds. Granted, my shreck hadn't seen the Jumbo yet, but can somebody explain why he started shooting infantry? Needless to say, he got killed in 2 secs after *missing* with his first and only shot frown.gif



[This message has been edited by Hena (edited 12-22-2000).]

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That's exactly my point! smile.gif Is ambush triggered by ANY enemy unit? This doesn't make sense IMO. If I set an ambush with an AT unit shouldn't that unit wait for armored vechiles before triggering the ambush?

Plain hide command could've worked. The unit was in hiding in addition to the ambush point ...


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Ambush is triggered by any unit. Pretty realistic behavior really, a unit is not often going to be stoic enough to wait out passing infantry on the off-chance they won't be spotted.. and will shoot or run in my mind. If I were you I would have backed him up with a squad of infantry, they could have taken out the advancing infantry quickly and the tank wouldn't have spotted the PS till too late.. smile.gif



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Peter, in general I would agree, but an Elite AT unit? I mean come on, this guy just came off the East Front where he was plugging T-34s. The guys who would launch their shrecks at infantry have already been... weeded out by the time they reach Elite don't you think?


Walter R. Strapps

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I have to agree with Walter, if I am a Schreck gunner and I see Infantry the last thing I am going to do is fire at them, maybe I can kill 1 guy but then the other 11 are going to come over and kick my butt. I would either take of for the rear or wait for them to pass. Maybe BTS can set it up so only tanks can trigger an ambush for Schrecks and Zooks?


[This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 12-22-2000).]

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I think we need more commands for every

unit and make CM more realistic. If I was

this unit, I won't fire and just wait for

more valuable target, except the ammo

truck. Picture this, if you shoot a ammo

truck loaded with arty shells (105, 155mm or

bigger) at the distance of 100-150 meters,

then you know what's the next -----




Sgt. Huang

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