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Mac Voodoo 3 -- new Voodoo 5 drivers any help?

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Well, my Mac Voodoo 3 3000 handles every game other than CM very nicely indeed, but I've never been able to get CM to run properly with it. I seem stuck with low-res (800 X 600 or 640 X 480) and suspect I am not getting any hardware acceleration at all. Disappointing.

So it was encouraging to read of hopes that the newly released Voodoo 5 drivers for the Mac (which seem to work just fine with the Voodoo 3 3000 card) might lead to some improvement in my CM experience. Sadly, I have not found this to be true, so far. I installed the new drivers and all other games now run as well or better than before, but I'm back to getting the dreaded black screen after "Loading 3-D Graphics" appears. I'm sure I can avoid this by deleting the RAVE extension so as to force software rendering, but I have to say I find that an unsatisfying fix.

Anybody out there have any words of wisdom? Have you been able to succeed where I have not? Have you an insight that would lead me to abandon this quest of mine as vain and futile? Is CM simply never going to work properly with Mac Voodoo hardware prior to the Voodoo 4?

(Please don't waste bandwidth with 'helpful' comments about abandoning the Mac or buying an ATI card. I'm only interested in getting this one last game to work with a system that serves me very well in all other respects.)

Still love the game, but am disappointed in how this one aspect has worked out,

Lt. Kije

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Do a search for babbon2 as a poster and you will find some details on the Voodoo series and the RAVE drivers. He is (from what I gather) either the developer writing or testing the RAVE code for the Voodoos series at 3dfx. Apparently a Voodoo3 series RAVE update (b13 ?) is forthcoming that will apply some of the fixes that have recently been applied to the latest Voodoo5 driver.

He's recently posted to one of the Voodoo threads in the Tech Support forum.

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Aieeeee! I fall on my sword in shame.

I completely forgot there was a separate Forum for these kinds of Tech Support questions. Thanks very much for pointing my wooly head in the right direction. You are exactly right. This issue is addressed over there.

Lt. Kije

Village Idiot

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