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My first real impression

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Well, after a couple of months working on some other projects, I finally got around to start looking at the details of CM. My approach to playing major games such as this is different than others. When I get into a historical-based strategy game, I spend quite a bit of time reading about the history, watching movies and basically engrossing myself into its history. And when I start in on a new game, I carefully read the manual, listen to the discussions here and then study the tutorials inside and out. I admit it is an anal-retentive way of approaching a game, but that's just the way I am.

Anyway, what I have been doing the past two nights is going through all of the hotkeys, and loading up several scenarios and QBs; all for the purpose of seeing what will work on my system and what won't. I have a 233 MMX, 96mb RAM with a 16mb voodoo3 running at 1024x768 and I am astonished to say that I can pretty much play with most of the details cranked to the max (except for the horizon). It becomes a little jerky with a huge map but I know I'll be focusing on a small portion of it and not flying around the battlefield like Superman. Smoke, fog, rain, snow, fire - no problems and look really good. I like using the +/- keypadss to go between the 3D views and the top-down 2D views.

I played around with QBs mixing the various terrains and weather and I really like the variety (I sort of had the misconception that most everything takes place in rural, rolling hills). I also sort of was expecting to see some beaches but since I had not heard of nay being discussed, I figured it wasn't in the game.

Next step is to play the tutorial/training missions and really learn how the game mechanics work. It is a slow way of getting into the game I admit, but it will produce a long lasting effect for me since WW2 had not been my favorite military history subject.

I know this has been said over and over, but as a 20 yr veteran of software design and development (and playing computer games), I can honestly say that this is one of the finest computer games ever developed.

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Ditto, Steve. It is truly awesome.. This forum brings out the nitpicking where we would all like to see some changes, but it is still the best tactical wargame I've ever seen.. I've played boardgames and computer games from the mid 70s on, and I've never played a PBEM game against another player-that's all changed with this one. It's simple, yet very challenging and realistic.

Not to mention the outstanding support you get from BTS....welcome to our world..

BTW: I admire your way of introducing yourself to this game. Wish I was more like that. All too frequently, I'd buy a game and never even punch out the counters or keep on my HD very long..


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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