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Hi guys and girls over the mean years i have been lurking in the background reading post and both agreeing and disagreeing on subjects and comments.

Over the last few weeks I've been thinking to myself whiy with such a small close net community do we not have a teamspeak server we can go on. Have a chat over a beer, play some games or watch. It would make life so much easy as well when it comes to scenario and mod making. jumping into a channel and helping one another on different topics bouncing ideas of each other, keeping each other motivated to finish that project thats been gathering dust on the hard drive.

If this is something people like the sound of and are interested in I'm willing to get the ball rolling on it but i need some idea on interest.


Kind Regards



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Eh, no offense, but the forum here works just fine for communicating with other players, not to mention the other fan-made sites that organize CM tournaments. Teamspeak is for games that involve multiple people playing together in one match, and CM is plainly not that.

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Eh, no offense, but the forum here works just fine for communicating with other players, not to mention the other fan-made sites that organize CM tournaments. Teamspeak is for games that involve multiple people playing together in one match, and CM is plainly not that.

No Team speak can be used for whatever you want, I use team speak to communicate with my friends and play games often.

Interesting idea Wildcard, this would be useful for also organizing Real-time CM play.

Edited by Raptorx7
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