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Quick question about compatibility

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I managed to convince a friend to get into the CM games so we can play together. Unfortunately he didn't buy the title I already have(Black Sea) and he bought tBattle for Normandy, but just the Base and Market Garden stuff. I want the full pack, because of the extra content. 

If I buy the full pack, can I use the extra stuff that it comes with such as vehicles, in a battle with him? Or will it result in issues because he doesn't have it?

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I'm actually playing with a friend, and we're exactly in that situation. I have all of CMBN, he has the base game + Market Garden. There is no problem playing together. However.... ;)

It does require care in not selecting scenarios (or making QBs) that might require access to units he would not have. You can't set up a German-UK fight, for instance. I mean, you can, but he will not be able to buy anything if he is UK. 

Some practice and you will see what works. A suggested way to avoid any surprises is you always have the player who is missing modules initiate any battles, as they can only initiate what they can play, thereby eliminating the guesswork.

Certainly you have hundreds of maps, and units, to enjoy together. 

Just make sure you are both patched to 3.11. 

Edited by Bud_B
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